Contents of the Manage Projected Asset Disposals

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Projected Asset Disposals screen.

Table Window

Field Description
Asset No

To enter a new projected asset disposal on this screen for a currently owned asset, click on the toolbar and click to select the desired Asset Master record from your currently owned existing asset records. This is a special lookup to the ASSET table in that the assets displayed for selection are limited to depreciable assets only.

To edit existing projected asset disposal data on this screen, you can access the desired row directly or you can use Query to select the desired record(s).

Item No

Enter, or click to select, the desired Asset Master record from your currently owned existing asset records. This is a special lookup to the ASSET table in that the assets displayed for selection are limited to depreciable assets only.

To edit existing projected asset disposal data on this screen, you can access the desired row directly or you can use Query to select the desired record(s).

Short Description

This field displays the short description entered for this record, if applicable. You cannot edit this field on this screen.

The Short Description data may have been entered/edited on the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on the Manage Asset Description Information screen. Any edits to the Short Description column must be made on the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on the Manage Asset Description Information screen.

Projected Disp FY

Enter, or click to select, the projected fiscal year of disposal.

The fiscal years available for selection include only those fiscal years already set up on the Manage Fixed Assets Fiscal Years screen. If you need to enter a future fiscal year that is not displayed in the Lookup screen, you must first establish the additional fiscal years and period data on the Manage Fixed Assets Fiscal Years and Manage Fixed Assets Accounting Periods screens.

Note: Although this data is required in Costpoint Fixed Assets, you do not need to set up future fiscal years and periods in Costpoint General Ledger.
Projected Disp Pd

Enter, or click to select, the projected accounting period of disposal.

The fiscal years available for selection include only those fiscal years already set up on the Manage Fixed Assets Fiscal Years screen. If you need to enter a future fiscal year that is not displayed in the Lookup, you must first establish the additional fiscal years and period data on the Manage Fixed Assets Fiscal Years and Manage Fixed Assets Accounting Periods screens.

Note: Although this data is required in Costpoint Fixed Assets, you do not need to set up future fiscal years and periods in Costpoint General Ledger.
Asset Account

This column displays the Asset Account that corresponds to the selection made in the Asset No field. If an Asset No has not been specified yet, click to select an asset account. The asset "ownership" account is non-editable on this screen and has been entered or edited in the Asset Account field on either the Acct Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on the Manage Asset Account Information screen. You cannot edit this column on this screen but can do so on these said two screens.

Asset Organization

This column displays the Asset Organization that corresponds to the selection made in the Asset No field. If an Asset No has not been specified yet, click to select an asset organization. The asset "ownership" organization entered or edited for this record in the Asset Organization field on either the Acct Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on the Manage Asset Account Information screen. You cannot edit this column on this screen but can do so on these said two screens.

Asset Project

This column displays the Asset Project that corresponds to the selection made in the Asset No field. If an Asset No has not been specified yet, click to select an asset project. The asset "ownership" project entered or edited for this record in the Asset Project field on either the Acct Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or the Manage Asset Account Information screen. You cannot edit this column on this screen but can do so on these said two screens.

Account Name

This non-editable column displays the account description related to the account in the Asset Account column.

Organization Name

This non-editable column displays the organization description related to the organization in the Asset Organization column.

Project Name

This non-editable column displays the project description related to the project in the Asset Project column, as applicable.