Manage Projected Asset Disposals

Use this optional screen to enter projected disposals of currently owned depreciable assets for which disposals are anticipated in advance of their stated useful life.

This data can be factored into the Compute Projected Depreciation process so that future projected depreciation will not be overstated by events of this nature. Corporate reorganizations, acquisitions, divestitures, and/or mergers most commonly create the need for premature asset dispositions.

Warning: Do not use this screen to enter projected disposal data for projected purchases. Edit projected purchases, including deletions, only on the Manage Projected Asset Purchases screen.

Because the purpose for projections functionality is to provide depreciation expense forecasts for budgeting purposes, it is assumed that you will enter projected disposals only for currently owned depreciable assets on this screen.

Data entered on this screen is not the equivalent of disposal data entered in the Disp Info tab of an Asset Master record (or on the Manage Asset Disposal Information screen) nor is it the equivalent of data entered on the Manage Disposal Transactions screen. As a result, disposal data entered on this screen will never be posted to the G/L or merged in any manner with a currently owned Asset Master record.

Your entries on this screen tell the system, for projection purposes only, to stop depreciating a currently owned asset in the fiscal year and period that you specify before it has reached the end of the useful life assigned to it via its depreciation method code.

You can print data from this screen using the Print Projected Asset Disposals Report.

You can only enter projected premature disposals for existing Asset Master records. You can enter projected asset disposals at any time on this screen. If you want the system to factor in premature disposals from this screen when computing future depreciation expense, however, you should enter all future premature disposal data on this screen before you run the Compute Projected Depreciation process.

Data entered on this screen is retained until you make edits or deletions.