Copy Imported Consolidation Data to Permanent Tables

Use this screen to preprocess the consolidation entry and project reporting data into the receiving database. You use this screen only if the sending company is located in a different database.

Preprocessing the consolidation entry is a two-step process, although you have the option of executing both steps during the same process. 

  • In the first step, Costpoint executes the Load Financial Data selection to move the entry from the import tables to suspense tables.  No validations take place in this step.
  • In the second step, Costpoint executes the Create JE from Financial Data selection to transfer the entry from the suspense tables to the journal entry tables. Costpoint performs validations in this step, and you can view the errors on an error report, which you can print. Records that pass this validation are ready to be posted. As the receiving company, you have full rights to add, edit, or delete lines from these journal entries. Each consolidation entry must be in balance.

If an error occurs, the entire consolidation entry remains in the suspense table, with an on-hold status, and Costpoint ignores it. To override this failure process, you can allow the upload to occur with all failed lines distributed to one suspense account/organization. You can leave the failed lines in the suspense account/organization on the journal entry where they will be posted, or, after correcting the cause of the errors (for example, an invalid account or organization), edit the entry to the appropriate charge point.

Before initializing the import process, you must decide whether the data that you are importing will be posted to your general ledger (only imported financial data can post to the general ledger). To create journal entries that post to your general ledger, you must select both the Load Financial Data and Create JE from Financial Data check boxes.

Field Description
Importing Project Report Data

You can import project report data into special consolidation project reporting tables by executing the process with the Load Project Data check box selected. Costpoint performs no validations on the project report data. The project reporting tables are virtually identical to the Project Summary Report (PSR) and Revenue Summary Report tables used by Costpoint. Project reporting data includes the location that submitted the transfer. Transfers from all sending locations are imported into the same reporting tables.

You can access project data from these tables by using Impromptu or another report writing tool. You can allow the upload to occur with failed lines charged off to a suspense account distribution. You can specify the suspense account and suspense organization when you run the process. The suspense account and suspense organization must exist and be active.

Error Report

Costpoint generates an error report for the consolidated entry upload process (you selected the Create JE from Financial Data check box). The following errors can occur:

  • Receiving location for entry is not the home location of the company.
  • Sending location is not found.
  • Sending location is not active.
  • Account/Org combination does not exist.
  • Account/Org combination is not active.
  • Transaction is not within account/organization combination's period of performance.

Use this screen after executing the Import Consolidation Data screen for the consolidation entries and/or the project reporting data.