Contents of the Approve Work Assignments Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Approve Work Assignments screen.

Approve Work Assignments

Field Description

This field displays the approver name, which is the user ID of the person using this screen to approve work assignments.

Work Assignment Status

Use the options in this group box to indicate which work assignments should be displayed on this screen based on the work assignment status. Valid options are:

  • Pending
  • Blank
  • Hold
  • Approved
  • Closed
  • Rejected

Pending and Blank are selected by default, but you can clear them and also select other statuses.

Note: The Hours and Amount fields for the work assignment are the total hours and amount from all charge lines associated with the work assignment regardless of what charge lines are displayed on the screen based on the selected status.

Work Assignments

Field Description
Approve Selected Work Assignments

Click this button to approve the selected work assignments in the table window. This action sets the status of the selected work assignments to Approved except those with a current status of Rejected, Closed, or Hold. This action also approves charge lines associated with the selected work assignments and vendor employees associated with the charge lines that do not have a status of Rejected.

Disapprove Selected Work Assignments

Click this button to disapprove the selected work assignments in the table window. This action changes the status of the selected approved work assignments and all linked approved charge lines and vendor employee lines to Pending.

Note: These buttons are not available in Form View. To approve or disapprove multiple work assignments, you must manually change the status of each work assignment.

Table Window

All work assignments linked to the work assignment approval code assigned to you display in this table window based on the status or statuses you selected in the Work Assignment Status group box.

Field Description
Approval Status

Use this drop-down list to set or change the approval status of the work assignment. Valid options are:

  • None
  • Pending
  • Approved
  • Closed
  • Rejected
  • Hold
Note: Work assignments with a status of Hold display but are not editable or eligible for approval on this screen.

If you set the status of the work assignment to Rejected, the status of the associated charge lines and vendor employee lines will also be set to Rejected and disabled.

Rejection Reason

This field displays the notes indicating the reason for rejecting the work assignment.

Approval Level

This field displays the approval level indicating what can be approved. For example, if the approval level is Work Assignment, you can change the approval status of the work assignment and related charge lines and vendor employee lines. If the approval level is Charge Line, you can change the approval status only of charge lines and vendor employee lines, and the work assignment lines will be display-only.

When the approval level is Auto-Approve, this table window still displays all work assignments with this approval type. Costpoint sets the Approval Status to Approved and gives a message that these work assignments have already been approved.

Work Assignment Approval Code

This field displays the work assignment approval code assigned to the approver.

Work Assignment ID

This field displays the work assignment ID.


This field displays the work assignment description.


This field displays the ID number of the purchase order (PO) for which the work assignment settings apply.


This field displays the release number of the PO.

Change Order

This field displays the last change order number of the PO.


This field displays the vendor number to which the purchase order is issued.

Vendor Name

This field displays the vendor name.


This field displays the transaction currency code of the PO.

Total Hours

This field displays the total number of hours for this work assignment.

Total Amount

This field displays the total amount in functional currency for this work assignment.

Total Trans Curr Amount

This field displays the total amount in transaction currency for this work assignment.

Work Assignment Start Date

This field displays the work assignment start date.

Work Assignment End Date

This field displays the work assignment end date.

Charge Lines

Field Description
Approve Selected Charge Lines

Click this button to approve the selected charge lines in the table window. This action sets the status of the selected charge lines to Approved except those with a current status of Rejected, Closed, or Hold.

Approve Selected Charge Lines/Vendor Employees

Click this button to approve the selected charge lines and vendor employee lines linked to the selected charge lines. This action sets the status of the selected charge lines and vendor employee lines to Approved except those with a current status of Rejected, Closed, or Hold.

Disapprove Selected Charge Lines

Click this button to disapprove the selected charge lines in the table window. This action changes the status of the selected approved charge lines and all linked approved vendor employee lines to Pending.

Note: These buttons are not available in Form View. To approve or disapprove multiple charge lines, you must manually change the status of each charge line.

Table Window

This table window displays all charge lines linked to the selected work assignment. The status of the work assignment will be blank and disabled until all of the charge lines are approved. At which time, the status of the work assignment will be set to Approved.

If you set the status of one of the charge lines to Pending, the approval status of the work assignment is also set to Pending. If you set the status of one of the charge lines to Rejected, Closed, or Hold, the status of the work assignment does not change.

Field Description
Approval Status

Use this drop-down list to set or change the approval status of the charge line. Valid options are:

  • None
  • Pending
  • Approved
  • Closed
  • Rejected
  • Hold
Note: Charge lines with a status of Hold display but are not editable or eligible for approval on this screen.

If you set the status of the charge line to Rejected, the status of the associated vendor employee lines will also be set to Rejected and disabled.

Rejection Reason

This field displays the notes indicating the reason for rejecting the charge line.

Line No

This field displays the charge line number.

PO Line

This field displays the PO line number associated with the charge line.


This field displays the item linked to the PO line.


This field displays the item revision number.

Misc Type

This field displays the PO line charge type code.


This field displays the description of the line item.


This field displays the ID of the project to receive charges for this charge line.

Project Name

This field displays the project name.


This field displays the ID of the account to receive charges for this charge line.

Account Name

This field displays the account name.


This field displays the ID of the organization to receive charges for this charge line.

Organization Name

This field displays the organization name.


This field displays the general labor category (GLC) code for this charge line.

GLC Description

This field displays the GLC description.


This field displays the project labor category (PLC) code for this charge line.

PLC Description

This field displays the PLC description.


This field displays the total number of hours for this charge line.


This field displays the rate used when paying the subcontractor for the vendor employees associated with this charge line.

Trans Rate

This field displays the rate in transaction currency if the work assignment currency is different from the functional currency.


This field displays the total amount in functional currency for this charge line.

Trans Amount

This field displays the total amount in transaction currency for this charge line.

Charge Line Start Date

This field displays the charge line start date.

Charge Line End Date

This field displays the charge line end date.

Vendor Employees

Field Description
Approve Vendor Employees

Click this button to approve the selected vendor employee lines in the table window. This action sets the status of the selected vendor employee lines to Approved except those with a current status of Inactive, Rejected, Hold, or Removed from work force.

Disapprove Vendor Employees

Click this button to disapprove the selected vendor employee lines in the table window. This action changes the status of the selected approved vendor employee lines to Pending.

Note: These buttons are not available in Form View. To approve or disapprove multiple vendor employee lines, you must manually change the status of each vendor employee line.

Table Window

This table window displays all vendor employee lines linked to the selected charge line.

If a charge line has an approval status of Approved and you change the status of a vendor employee line to Pending, Hold, Inactive, or Rejected, the status of the charge line does not change.

Note: You cannot approve vendor employee lines if the charge line associated with them is not yet approved.
Field Description
Approval Status

Use this drop-down list to view or change the approval status of the vendor employee line. Valid options are:

  • None
  • Pending
  • Approved
  • Inactive
  • Rejected
  • Removed from work force
Rejection Reason

This field displays the notes indicating the reason for rejecting the vendor employee line.

Vendor Employee Line No

This field displays the vendor employee line number.

Vendor Employee

This field displays the vendor employee ID.

Vendor Employee Name

This field displays the vendor employee name.

Resource Description

This field displays the description for the vendor employee.


This field displays the general labor category (GLC) for this vendor employee.

GLC Description

This field displays the GLC description.


This field displays the project labor category (PLC) for this vendor employee.

PLC Description

This field displays the PLC description.


This field displays the total number of hours charged for the vendor employee.


This field displays the rate charged for the vendor employee.

Trans Rate

This field displays the rate in transaction currency if the work assignment currency is different from the functional currency.


This field displays the total amount charged in functional currency for the vendor employee line.

Trans Amount

This field displays the total amount charged in transaction currency for the vendor employee line.

Task Start Date

This field displays the task start date.

Task End Date

This field displays the task end date.


This field displays the vendor employee status (Active or Inactive).


This field displays the name of the vendor employee's manager.


Subtask Description
Work Assignment Error/Warning Messages Click this link to open the Work Assignment Error/Warning Messages subtask to view the list of error and/or warning messages associated with the work assignment.
Charge Line Error/Warning Messages Click this link to open the Charge Line Error/Warning Messages subtask to view the list of error and/or warning messages associated with the charge line.
Vendor Employee Error/Warning Messages Click this link to open the Vendor Employee Error/Warning Messages subtask to view the list of error and/or warning messages associated with the vendor employee line.