Address or Contact Tab
ADDRESS/CONTACTUse this tab to set up address, contact, and telephone number information for the employee.
All information in this tab is optional. You may want to enter an address if you are using Costpoint Payroll W-2s, direct deposit statements, and checks that are printed from Costpoint Payroll.
Mailing Address
Field | Description |
Lines 1, 2, 3 |
Enter up to three lines of the street address in these fields, excluding the city, state/province, country, and postal code. |
City |
Enter the city for the employee's address in this field. |
State/Province |
Enter, or click
Postal Code |
Enter, or click
Country |
Enter, or click
E-mail Addresses
Field | Description |
Work |
Enter the employee's work email address in this optional field. |
Home |
Enter the employee's home email address in this optional field. Note:
These fields are required if you want to use the email address capability in Costpoint Human Resources to send forms electronically to and from managers. If you are using this feature, enter the employee's MS Mail or cc:Mail e-mail address. |
Emergency Contact
Use the fields in this group box to enter two sets of emergency contact information.
Field | Description |
Contact Name 1 |
Enter the name of the primary emergency contact of the employee. |
Phone Number |
Enter the phone number of the primary emergency contact, including the area code. |
Relationship |
Enter the employee's relationship to the primary emergency contact. |
Contact Name 2 |
Enter the name of the secondary emergency contact of the employee. |
Phone Number |
Enter the phone number of the secondary emergency contact including any preceding area code. |
Relationship |
Enter the employee's relationship to the secondary emergency contact. |