Print the Trial Balance

In the General Ledger module, print the Trial Balance report and review the ending balances of the Accounts Receivable accounts. Compare these ending balances to the amounts on the Accounts Receivable Aging report.

Select the following options on the Print Trial Balance Report screen:

Note: If you are reconciling the Accounts Receivable Aging Report to the General Ledger by project, you must print the Project Trial Balance report in order to reconcile. Keep in mind that you cannot print the Trial Balance by customer. If you have customers that do not have a project assigned to them, you will not be able to reconcile the Accounts Receivable Aging Report to the General Ledger using the guidelines in this special topic. You can use Impromptu to produce the reports that you need to perform the reconciliation.
  1. In the Select Accounts group box, in the Range Option field, select All or Range. You can print the entire trial balance or just select a range of accounts that include Billed Accounts Receivable.
  2. In Include Level ___ and below, enter 1. This means that all lower levels of the account will be rolled up to the top level. You should print the report at the same level that the Accounts Receivable Aging was printed.
  3. Select the Page Break check box if you want a page break after each account.
  4. In the Select Grouping group box, choose Organization in the Select By drop-down list.
  5. Select All in the Range Option drop-down list.
  6. In Include Level ___ and below, enter 1. All lower levels of the Organization will be rolled up to the top level. You should print the report at the same level that the Accounts Receivable Aging was printed.
  7. Sort by Account.
  8. In the Select Ending Period group box, the Fiscal Year and Period should match the accounting period that you are reconciling.
  9. Do NOT select the Amounts in Thousands check box.
  10. Select the All Detail check box to print all detail at the account/organization level.