Reconcile Revenue Forecast

These are the Costpoint Planning reports you can use to reconcile data on the Revenue Forecast report.

These reports include the following:

  • Project Status

  • Current Forecast

  • Audit/Modify Non-Backlog Project Budget

To reconcile the Costpoint Business Intelligence Revenue Forecast report with Costpoint Planning:

  1. Run the Revenue Forecast report in Costpoint Business Intelligence.
    Note: Projects that do not have monthly forecasts within the next 6 months are excluded from the report. Use the Current Forecast report to confirm if there are monthly forecasts for each of the detail projects. See Step 4 for details.
  2. Run the Project Status report in Costpoint Planning (Planning > Project Budgeting > Supplemental Reports) to validate Contract Value for existing projects.
  3. Compare the following:

    Costpoint Business Intelligence

    Costpoint Planning Report Contract Value Total Column

    Contract Value for the line item with the same Project ID

    Total Expense

  4. Run the Current Forecast in Costpoint Planning (Planning > Project Budgeting > Active Level Reports) to validate the monthly forecasts for each of the detail projects.
    Note: This report must be run for the next period.
  5. Compare the following:

    Costpoint Business Intelligence

    Costpoint Planning Report

    Backlog projects

    Total Revenue for each monthly forecast

  6. Run the Audit/Modify Non-Backlog Project Budget report in Costpoint Planning (Planning > New Business Budgeting > Actions/Processing > New Business Budgets) to validate the contract value and monthly forecasts of non-backlog/new business projects.
  7. Click View next to the desired project and latest budget version number, and select REVBD from the drop-down list.
  8. Export the report to Microsoft Excel to generate the totals.
  9. Compare the following:

    Costpoint Business Intelligence

    Costpoint Planning Report

    Total Contract


    Monthly forecast

    Monthly columns

    Note: If there are no forecasts in the specified period for a particular line item, the line is excluded from the Costpoint Business Intelligence report.