Voucher Detail Subtask

Use this subtask of the Edit Voucher Payment Status screen to view the voucher details for the row that was highlighted on the main screen.

Voucher Total

Field Description
Amount Paid

This field displays the amount paid (cash disbursements posted) for this Accounts Payable voucher. This amount displays in the voucher's transaction currency. To view more currency information, click the Currency Line button.

Discount Taken

This field displays the discount taken on the paid amounts (cash disbursements posted) for this Accounts Payable voucher. This amount displays in the voucher's transaction currency. To view more currency information, click the Currency Line button.

Amount Retained

This field displays the amount that has been selected for retainage for this Accounts Payable voucher. This amount displays in the voucher's transaction currency. To view more currency information, click the Currency Line button.

Amount Remaining

This field displays the amount remaining for this Accounts Payable voucher. This amount displays in the voucher's transaction currency. To view more currency information, click the Currency Line button.

Amount To Pay

This field displays the amount to pay on this voucher, but will not include any retainage or hold amounts. This amount displays in the voucher's transaction currency. To view more currency information, click the Currency Line button

Discount To Take

This field displays the discount amount not yet taken for this Accounts Payable voucher. The amount displays in the voucher's transaction currency. To view more currency information, click the Currency Line button.

Voucher Detail

Field Description

This non-editable field displays the line number of the voucher.


This non-editable field displays the account number used on each voucher line for the selected voucher.


This non-editable field displays the organization used on each voucher line for the selected voucher.


This non-editable field displays the project used on each voucher line for the selected voucher.

Cost Amount

This non-editable field displays the voucher line cost amount.


This non-editable field displays the percentage of cost for this line compared to the selected voucher.


This non-editable field displays the taxability status of the voucher:

  • SSales/VAT Taxable: The item is taxable and the vendor has charged sales or Value Added Tax (VAT) on the invoice. For sales/VAT tax, your company pays the tax to the vendor, who then remits it to the state or province.
  • UUse/Reverse Taxable: The item is subject to tax but the vendor did not charge sales tax on the invoice. For use/reverse tax, your company pays the tax directly to the state or province. Costpoint calculates the use/reverse tax applicable to the line item by multiplying the Cost Amount by the tax rate associated with the tax code entered. The Use or Reverse Tax Amount is posted as an accrual when you post the Voucher Distribution Journal to the G/L.
  • NNon-Taxable: This voucher line is non-taxable.
Sales/VAT Tax Amt

This non-editable field displays the sales tax or Value Added Tax (VAT) amount of the voucher line.

Total Before Discount

This non-editable field displays the total before discount amount. It is the sum of the amounts in the Cost Amount and Sales/Vat Tax Amt fields.

Discount Amt

This non-editable field displays the discount amount.

Due Amount

This non-editable field displays the amount due for each voucher line.

Use/Reverse Tax Amt

This non-editable field displays the use/reverse tax amount of the voucher line. This field only populates if the Taxability field displays a U (Use/Reverse Tax).

Ref 1

This non-editable field displays the reference 1 number used on each voucher line for the selected voucher.

Ref 2

This non-editable field displays the reference 2 number used on each voucher line for the selected voucher.

Account Name

This non-editable field displays the account name of the account number used on the voucher line.

Org Name

This non-editable field displays the organization name of the organization number used on the voucher line.

Project Name

This non-editable field displays the project name of the project number used on the voucher line.


Subtask Description
Currency Line Click this link to open the Currency Line subtask.