CIC Currency Data Storage in the Costpoint Database

Costpoint currency information is stored in the Costpoint database. You do not need to change this information using a database utility. You can make all necessary changes from Costpoint screens.

Standard Currency Codes

Standard currency codes are stored in the S_CURRENCY table. The only data in this table are the International Standards Organization (ISO) currency code and a suggested currency name. You access this table when you look up currency codes on the Manage Currencies screen. The table contains every standard currency code in use at the time of the Costpoint release (about 200 codes). Deltek updates this table for each new Costpoint release.

Currency Formats

Currency formats are stored in the CURRENCY table. This table contains the data entered on the Manage Currencies screen (currency code, names, and formatting options). It also contains data format strings that represent the format options. Costpoint uses these when formatting data for screens and reports.

The following are examples of format strings for U. S. format:

MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, and year date format when used with a four-digit year)

#,##0;-#,##0 (whole numbers, positive and negative)

$#,##0.00;-$#,##0.00 (currency amounts, positive and negative)

The format strings are automatically regenerated when you change any format options on the Manage Currencies screen.

Functional Currency

The code for the functional currency is stored in the FUNC_S_CRNCY_CD column in the GL_CONFIG table.