Pending Charges Detail Report

Use the Pending Charges Detail Report to view labor details, an expense report, and other direct expenses that are in a pending state, those charges that are not yet posted to the project.

This report displays in detail every pending charge broken out by:
  • Labor Hours
  • Employee Expenses
  • Other Direct Costs
Pending charges include:
  • Hours on timesheets not yet posted in Costpoint
  • Employee Expense reports not yet posted in Costpoint
  • Employee Expense Commitments where an expense report has not been turned
  • Other Direct Expenses for unposted vouchers and purchase orders
In addition, the report includes the following:
  • Resource/Vendor ID
  • Resource/Vendor Name
  • Project Labor Category/Account
  • Charge Date
  • Pending Hours
  • Pending Cost with Burden

You have the option to show detailed Labor Cost. There might be cases where you want to remove Labor Cost for security purposes.

Cost detail is hidden by default.