Print Duplicate Invoices

Use this screen to print the Duplicate Invoices Report.

This report, which includes both accounts payable and purchase order vouchers, provides a list of the vouchers that have been entered using identical invoice numbers for the same vendor.

The report lists:

  • Unposted vouchers with duplicate invoice numbers for the same vendor.
  • Posted vouchers, if any unposted vouchers have a duplicate invoice number found on a posted voucher.

If all the vouchers using a duplicate invoice number for the same vendor have been posted, they are not listed on the report because these vouchers were approved for posting.

Deltek recommends that you print this report as part of your Accounts Payable process because it provides a valuable internal control tool for ensuring that you are not paying twice for the same good or service. You should research all vouchers on this report. If you decide to keep an invoice number as a duplicate, you may want to document the reason on the report and retain it with your other Accounts Payable reports.

Print the Duplicate Invoices Report after reviewing the entered vouchers via the Print Voucher Edit Report screen. Print it before the approval and posting process, so that the person responsible for approving the vouchers is assured that this internal control measure was completed before starting the check process.

You should retain any report that contains duplicate invoices, along with any documentation explaining the reason for the duplication. You may want to retain all Duplicate Invoices reports, to have a record of invoice number crosschecking as part of your system controls.