Contents of the Manage Preliminary Cash Flow Statements Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Mange Preliminary Cash Flow Statements screen.


Field Description
F/S Code

This non-editable field displays the financial statement code.

Fiscal Year

This non-editable field displays the fiscal year for which you created the statement of cash flows.


This non-editable field displays the period for which you created the statement of cash flows.


This non-editable field displays the organization for which you created the statement of cash flows.


Use this field to add notes related to transactions that display on the statement of cash flows. These notes are displayed at the end of the report, so for clarity, each note should identify the financial statement row to which it relates.

Net Income

This non-editable field displays the net income.

Cash and cash equivalent at beginning of year

This non-editable field displays cash and cash equivalent at the beginning of the year.

Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalent

This non-editable field displays the increase or decrease in cash and cash equivalent.

Cash and cash equivalent at end of year

This non-editable field displays cash and cash equivalent at the end of the year.

Table Window

Field Description
Activity Type

Select the type of cash flow for the row: Financing, Investing, or Operating.

Sequence No

These sequence numbers indicate row order by activity type. You can change them if you need to change the order of the lines within an activity type.

Cash Flows Line Titles

If necessary, change the cash flows line title. These titles come from the Manage Cash Flows Account Types screen.

Account Type

This column displays the account type. You created the account types in the Manage Cash Flows Account Types screen and linked them to the cash flow rows on the Manage Financial Statements screen. 

Line Title Balance

This column displays the system-calculated adjustment to net income.

Adjustment Amount Debit/Credit

If you need to adjust the balance for a line, enter the adjustment in this field. Enter a positive number to make a debit adjustment and a negative number to make a credit adjustment. The amount that the statement of cash flow displays is the sum of the amount in Line Title Balance and your entry in this column.

Note: If you change the Adjustment Amount Debit/Credit column, you must the use the Create Preliminary Cash Flow Statements screen to recalculate the statement of cash flows before you generate the report.

Use this column to enter explanatory notes. Costpoint does not include these notes on the statement of cash flows.

Setting Up Totals

The report provides a total for each line title and a grand total at the bottom.

Note: For the report to provide the most relevant data, you should set it up with subtotals by activity type (Operating, Financing, or Investing) and a grand total at the end.