Contents of the Manage Segregation of Duties Conflict Overrides Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Segregation of Duties Conflict Overrides screen.


Field Description

Use this field to enter, or click to select, an identification code for a user. Only records associated with this user will be displayed in the Rights with Identified Conflicts table window when you click .

The field to the right displays the descriptive name for this user ID. As an alternative, you can click in this unlabeled field to select the user name you want to use.

User Group

Use this field to enter, or click to select, an identification code for a user group. Only records associated with this user will be displayed in the Rights with Identified Conflicts table window when you click .

The field to the right displays the descriptive name for this user group ID. As an alternative, you can click in this unlabeled field to select the user group name you want to use.


Use this field to enter, or click to select, an identification code for a company. Only records associated with this user will be displayed in the Rights with Identified Conflicts table window when you click .

Include Rights Linked to ALL Companies

Select this check box to display rights linked to all companies in the Rights with Identified Conflicts table window.

Select Rights by Rights Status

Use this group box to select advanced options. At least one of the check boxes in this group box must be selected. You can select both check boxes.

Field Description
In-Conflict/Delete Conflict

Select this check box to include in-conflict/delete conflict records in the Rights with Identified Conflicts table window.

Manually Approved

Select this check box to include manually approved records in the Rights with Identified Conflicts table window.

Rights with Identified Conflicts

You must run the Identify Segregation of Duties Conflicts application before you use this application. This table window displays all applications that have conflicting rights assigned to them.

Field Description

This field displays either User or Group to indicate the type of right that applies to this segregation of duties conflict.

User / User Group

This field displays the identification code of the user or user group associated with this segregation of duties conflict.


This field displays the descriptive name of this User/User Group.


This field displays the identification code of the company associated with this user or user group.


This field displays the identification code of the application that has segregation of duties conflicts.

Application Name

This field displays the descriptive name for this application.


This field displays the identification code of the module to which this application belongs.


This field displays the domain to which this module belongs.


This field displays the current rights (Allow or Deny) to this application granted to this user or user group.

Rights Status

Use this drop-down list to define the new rights status for this segregation of duties conflict. Your choices are:

  • In-Conflict
  • Manually Approved
  • Delete Conflict
  • Delete Row Now
  • Pending
Note: This field is replaced by the Approve Conflict field when the Enforce Segregation of Duties Rules check box is selected in the Corporate Settings group box on the Configure Systems Settings screen.
Approve Conflict

Select this check box to approve the conflict. The Approved By and Approved Date/Time fields automatically populates with your user ID and the current system date and time. You may also enter a note in the Approver Notes field.

Note: This field is replaced by the Rights Status field when the Enforce Segregation of Duties Rules check box is clear in the Corporate Settings block on the Configure Systems Settings screen.
Approved By

This field displays the user ID of the individual who approved this segregation of duties conflict.

Approved Date/Time

This field displays the date and time on which this segregation of duties conflict was approved.

Approver Notes

Use this field to enter additional information about the approval of this segregation of duties conflict.


Subtask Description
Conflicting Applications Click this link to open the Conflicting Applications subtask and view the applications that conflict with the application selected in the Rights with Identified Conflicts table window.