Step 6: Manage Location Codes 1, 2, and/or 3

Set up optional location codes on the Manage Location 1 Codes, Manage Location 2 Codes, and/or Manage Location 3 Codes screens as desired.

Location code data entry functionality allows you to record additional location information that may be specific to your company but for which there are no system-defined standard fields with the desired terminology (such as Building, Room No., Bin No, and so on).

The entry of location code data is optional on the Loc Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, the Manage Asset Location Information screen, the Manage Asset Template Information screen, and/or the Manage Location Groups screen. If you plan to enter this data in an Asset Master record, an Asset Template record, or on the Manage Location Groups screen, however, the only location codes data from which to choose are validated location codes from the Manage Location 1 Codes, Manage Location 2 Codes, and Manage Location 3 Codes screens (as appropriate).