Procurement Dashboard (Header or Line Level Approval)

The Procurement dashboard displays analytics for both purchasing and procurement planning with requisitions.

The data provided is based on the Requisition Approval Assignments (Header or by Line) that are set in the Procurement Planning module.

The Procurement dashboard includes three tabs.

Purchasing Tab

  • Total Procurement Spend: This report displays the total amount spent on procurement, organized by purchase order (PO) type. This information helps you track your spending for the year, whether you are above or below budget, and if you need to make adjustments.
  • # of Active Vendors: This report displays the total number of vendors with an Active status, by Company ID. This number adjusts as you interact with other areas on the dashboard, providing visibility into your vendor count for multiple procurement scenarios.
  • Spend by Commodity (Drill to Vendor): This report displays the total purchases by commodity code. To see which vendors you are using the most, you can drill down to view each commodity spend by vendor.
    Note: Lines without commodity are excluded. Alternatively, you can remove this filter.
  • PO Status (Drill to Vendor): This report displays the number of purchase orders that are closed, open, and void. You can modify this view to show other PO statuses. Drill through to see the status count for an individual vendor.

Requisitions Tab

  • Requisitions Awaiting Approval by Approver: This report displays the requisitions awaiting approval. Viewing requisitions that are In-Approval by the current approver can help you understand where the approval process has stalled and where to take action to move the requisitions through the pipeline.

    The drill-thru detail report allows you to select one or more approvers and see a list of requisitions that are in their bucket for approval. It also shows how many days the requisitions have been awaiting approval.

  • Requisition Status by Requisitioner: This report displays a requisition status count for each requisitioner. The counts are for approved, pending, rejected, and in approval statuses.

Requisition to PO Conversion Tab

  • Approved Requisitions Awaiting PO Conversion by Buyer (Drill Thru to Detail): This report displays the number of requisitions that have been approved but are awaiting conversion to a PO. This information is shown for each buyer so that you can analyze buyer performance.

    The drill thru detail report shows the date the requisition was approved, the number of days since approval, the target date to create the PO, and the number of days until or past the target release or place date. The number of unassigned requisitions are also provided and included in the drill thru report.