Contents of the Manage Asset Description Information Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Asset Description Information Screen.

With this screen option, users do not automatically have access to data fields in other Asset Master subtasks; such access rights must be granted by the system administrator for each subtask on a screen-by-screen basis.

Note: You can enter, edit, and view descriptive data for an Asset Master record by accessing the Manage Asset Master Information screen, which automatically grants access to all the available tabs and subtasks. An alternate access route to Asset Master subtasks gives you more flexibility when screen security options are set up for users with different access needs.
  • If screen rights that set up for you allow access to the Manage Asset Master Information screen, all the screen's tabs and subtasks are automatically accessible to you.
  • If you do not have access rights to the Manage Asset Master Information screen, the system administrator can alternately grant or deny rights using the direct menu option (via the Asset Master Records menu) on a screen-by-screen basis. In this manner, each user can access only the permissible tabs or subtasks in an Asset Master record.

When you first bring up this screen, a screen prompts you to enter a search criteria.

Although the data displays in columnar form in the table window on this screen, data entry functionality and data rules for each column are identical to those for each corresponding field on the Manage Asset Master Information screen, regardless of which entry screen methodology you establish for each user. You can also use the Form view option for this screen.

Note: If you use the direct menu option to access data from the Manage Asset Master Information screen, data from the Notes subtask displays in the Asset Notes column of this table window and is not available as a specific menu selection.

You cannot use this screen to add new asset records. You can enter additional optional data, change existing data, or delete existing data within the system rules already established for an Asset Master record that was originally added using the Manage Asset Master Information screen and its subtasks.

The optional Asset Template feature, by which you can set up and import standard default data for property that shares common characteristics, is not operational on this screen.

On this screen, unlike maintenance table windows throughout Costpoint, the line functions in the menu bar (Execute, New Record, Clone Record, Delete and Undelete) are disabled.

New Asset Master records can be added only by using the Manage Asset Master Information screen and its subtasks. Note that some system-required data fields in an Asset Master record display default values supplied by the system as shown on the following table.

Field Name and Default Screen Name
Record Status = Active Manage Asset Master Information

Manage Asset Description Information

Depr/Lease Status = Depreciable Manage Asset Master Information

Manage Asset Description Information

Depr/Lease Based On = Years Manage Asset Master Information

Manage Asset Description Information

Condition = New

Condition Code = New

Purch Info tab

Manage Asset Purchase Information

Auto Calculate Depreciation = check box selected G/L Book Info tab

Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information

(Book 2-10 Name) Auto Calc = check box selected Other Books Info subtask

Manage Asset Other Books Information

You can edit the initial defaults supplied by the system as desired during initialization using the Manage Asset Master Information screen and its subtasks.

Once an Asset Master record has been initialized, in many cases you can edit the Record Status, Depr/Lease Status, and Depr/Lease Based On system default columns on this screen if needed. In some cases, however, edits to a column on this screen will require data entry on another Asset Master screen to which you may not have been granted access. For example, if an asset is currently non-depreciable, although you can change the Depr/Lease Status column from Non-Depreciable to Depreciable on this screen, the system will also require data entry in the Depr Method Code, Depr Expense Acct Alloc Code and Accum Depr Acct Code fields (on the Manage Asset Account Information and Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screens) before the change to the Depr/Lease Status column on this screen can be saved.

The following additional fields are required for data entry before an Asset Master record can be added using the Manage Asset Master Information screen and its subtasks.

Field Name and Default Screen Name
Property Type Manage Asset Master Information

Manage Asset Description Information

Classification Code

Class Code

Manage Asset Master Information

Manage Asset Description Information

Fiscal Year

Acq FY

Manage Asset Master Information, Purch Info tab, Acquisition group box

Manage Asset Purchase Information


Acq Pd

Manage Asset Master Information, Purch Info tab, Acquisition group box

Manage Asset Purchase Information


Acq Subpd

Manage Asset Master Information, Purch Info tab, Acquisition group box

Manage Asset Purchase Information

Asset Account Manage Asset Master Information, Account Info tab, Asset Account group box

Manage Asset Account Information

Asset Organization Manage Asset Master Information, Account Info tab, Asset Account group box

Manage Asset Account Information

Asset Project Manage Asset Master Information, Account Info tab, Asset Account group box

Manage Asset Account Information

Ref1 Title

Asset Ref 1

Manage Asset Master Information, Account Info tab, Asset Account group box

Manage Asset Account Information

Ref2 Title

Asset Ref 2

Manage Asset Master Information, Account Info tab, Asset Account group box

Manage Asset Account Information


Accum Depr Acct Code

Manage Asset Master Information, Account Info tab, Accumulated Depreciation Account group box

Manage Asset Account Information


Depr Exp Acct Alloc Code

Manage Asset Master Information, Account Info tab, Depreciation Expense Account group box

Manage Asset Account Information

Depr Method Code Manage Asset Master Information, G/L Book Info tab (if asset is depreciable and depreciable basis is Years), Depreciation Information group box

Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information

You should always use caution in the timing of your edits, however, because changes can affect the calculation of depreciation as well as the types of records included in system reports.

Table Window

Field Description
Asset Number

This non-editable column displays the system-required asset number assigned to this record when the asset was saved on the Manage Asset Master Information screen.

Please refer to the documentation for the Asset No field on the Manage Asset Master Information screen for additional information.

Item Number

This non-editable column displays the system-required item number assigned to this record when the asset was saved on the Manage Asset Master Information screen.

Please refer to the documentation for the Item No field on the Manage Asset Master Information screen for additional information.

Record Status

This column displays the system-required record status assigned to this record when the asset was saved on the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The value displayed in this column may have been edited on the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

The options available for this required column are Active, Inactive, or Disposal. The system default is Active. A record must be Active to be eligible for depreciation calculations.

If you specify that a record is Inactive, the system will skip over the record for depreciation calculations and for reports that do not specify the inclusion of inactive records. Rendering a record Inactive provides an alternative to deleting the record, because you can retain the record for audit purposes and exclude it from reports when you are reconciling your asset record account totals to your General Ledger balances. When you save an inactive record, the system validates that both the current period depreciation and the amount posted values are equal to zero. If either amount is greater than zero (indicating that depreciation was entered or computed for the asset in the current period and/or that there is unposted depreciation), you will not be able to give the record inactive status. Note that you cannot delete an Asset Master record for which a transaction has been posted to the General Ledger. In this circumstance, you can change the record status to Inactive to ensure that it will be retained for audit purposes and exclude it from reports when you are reconciling your asset account totals to your General Ledger balances.

When a disposal for an asset record is posted to the General Ledger, the system changes the status for this record to Disposal. A record with a Disposal status will be skipped for depreciation calculations and for reports that do not specify the inclusion of disposal records. (If a record has a Disposal status, it reflects in the Record Status group box on the Manage Asset Master Information screen and the Record Status column on this screen will display Disposal as well.)

Although it should rarely be necessary, you can set up historical asset record that has been disposed of with a Disposal status, if desired. If you enter historical data on the Disp Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, you must also assign a Disposal status to the record to successfully save it.

Note: When you first manually add historical record with a Disposal status, you can edit all fields in the Asset Master record as needed before saving the record for the first time. If the saved Disposal record is accessed again, however, the selection options in the Record Status, Depr/Lease Status, and Depr/Lease Based On columns are disabled. In addition, edits to columns on the Manage Asset Cost Information, Manage Asset Account Information, and Manage Asset Other Books Information screens cannot be saved.

You can enter original data on the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen for an Asset Master record with a Disposal status only when no data has previously been entered and saved. If the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen already contains saved data, you cannot edit it if the status is changed to Disposal.

If the Disposal Entry Type column displays MANUAL on the Manage Asset Disposal Information screen, you can change data for an Asset Master record with a Disposal status. If the Disposal Entry Type column displays SYSTEM, you cannot change data for an Asset Master record with a Disposal status.

If you have designated a Disposal status and have also entered manual data by mistake on the Manage Asset Disposal Information screen, you can change the status back to Active if you first delete all manually entered data from the Manage Asset Disposal Information screen.

Note: If an entry already exists on the Manage Disposal Transactions screen for this asset record, you cannot change the status to Disposal. In this circumstance, if you need to assign a Disposal status to a record, first delete the entry from the Manage Disposal Transactions screen. To preserve the audit trail, you cannot edit this column after a disposal is posted or manually entered.
Template No

This non-editable column displays the latest template number used, if applicable, to import data from the template to the asset record. Please refer to the documentation for the Template No field on the Manage Asset Master Information screen for additional information.

Template Rev No

This non-editable column displays the latest optional revision number used, if applicable, to import the data from the template to the asset record. Please refer to the documentation for the Rev No field on the Manage Asset Master Information screen for additional information.

Short Desc

This column displays the optional short description entered for this record, if applicable. Data displayed in this column may have been entered/edited on the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

You can enter or edit the description in this optional column. If the displayed short description originated from autocreated data, however, make edits with caution to avoid compromising the integrity of the captured data.

Although this column is not required, and because the data from this column will display in the Description field on many standard system reports, you may want to provide a meaningful asset description.

Long Desc

This column displays the optional long description entered for this record, if applicable. Data displayed in this column may have been entered/edited on the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

You can edit or enter the description this optional column.

Additional Desc

This column displays the optional additional description entered for this record, if applicable. Data displayed in this column may have been entered/edited on the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

You can edit this optional column or enter additional description.

Property Type

This column displays the system-required property type entered for this record. Data displayed in this column may have been edited on the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

You can edit, enter, or click to select, a valid property type for this record. Valid property types are set up during initialization on the Manage Property Types screen.

Class Code

This column displays the system-required classification code entered for this record. Data displayed in this column may have been edited on the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

You can edit, enter, or click to select, a classification code for this record. Valid classification codes are set up during initialization on the Manage Classification Codes screen.

Subclass Code

This column displays the optional subclass code entered for this record. Data displayed in this column may have been edited on the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

You can edit, enter, or click to select, a subclass code for this record. Valid subclass codes are set up during initialization on the Manage Subclass Codes screen.

Depr/Lease Status

This column displays the system-required depreciation status assigned to this record. Data displayed in this column may have been edited on the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The possible display options for this column are Capitalize, Depreciable, and Non-Depreciable.

You cannot edit data in this column in this screen because changes to depreciable status may also require changes to data on other screens for which you may not have been granted rights. Changes to this column must be made on the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The new Capitalize status is for tracking purposes only. There is no system calculation associated with selecting this option.

Post Disp To G/L

This column displays the status of the Post Disposal to G/L check box on the Manage Asset Master Information screen.

This check box is available only if you have specified that the record is Non-Depreciable in the Depr Status column. This check box is disabled for Capitalize leases. This check box is clear as default.

If you select this check box for a non-depreciable asset, a future disposal entry for this record can be posted to the General Ledger. In the case of non-depreciable assets (for example, land), the G/L entry on disposal can consist only of debits and credits, as appropriate, to the Cost and Gain/Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets accounts, because there is no accumulated depreciation associated with a non-depreciable asset. You cannot select this check box for depreciable assets, because disposal entries for depreciable assets on Selected for Posting status option on the Manage Disposal Transactions screen are posted to the General Ledger.

Depr/Lease Based On

If the record is Depreciable, the system displays the system-required basis for depreciation that you assigned on the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

You cannot edit data in this column on this screen because changes to the basis for depreciation may also require changes to data on other screens for which you may not have been granted rights. You must make changes to this column on the Manage Asset Master Information screen.

  • For a depreciable asset record for which you have previously selected a Years depreciation basis methodology, the columns available on the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen are appropriate to the methodology. Columns not appropriate to the selected methodology for the record, such as Lease Start Date, Estimated Units Useful Life, and so on, are not available for use on that screen.
  • For a depreciable asset record for which you have previously selected a Units of Usage depreciation basis methodology, the columns available on the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen are appropriate to the methodology. Columns not appropriate to the selected methodology for the record, such as Lease Start Date, Depr Method Code, and so on, are not available for use on that screen.
  • For a depreciable asset record for which you have previously selected a Lease Pds depreciation basis methodology, the columns available for use on the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen are appropriate to the methodology. Columns not appropriate to the selected methodology for the record, such as Estimated Units Useful Life, Depr Method Code, and so on, are not available for use on that screen.
Lease Type

Data displayed in this column may have been edited on the Manage Asset Master Information screen.

You cannot edit data in this column in this screen because changes to lease type may also require changes to data on other screens for which you may not have been granted rights. Changes to this column must be made on the Manage Asset Master Information screen.

The possible display options for this column are Operating Lease, Finance Lease or Straight Line.

The new Lease Type field is for tracking purposes only. There is no system calculation associated with selecting these options.

Entry User ID

This column displays the ID of the user that originally added the record. You cannot edit this column or make entries in it.

Entry Date/Time

This column displays the date and time that the record was originally added. You cannot edit this column or make entries in it.

Original Entry Type

The system creates and displays the type of original entry when the record was saved. Both manually added and autocreated entry types are recorded. You cannot edit this column or make entries in it.

  • For manually added records, this column displays MANUAL.
  • For autocreated records, this column displays AUTO-R if the timing source was Receipts, AUTO-P if the timing source was Posting, and AUTO-U if the row was created using the Line Repeat function on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen.
Post Sequence No

In the event of a system failure during posting, or if an entry for this asset is currently being posted, the entry's posting sequence number will display in this non-editable column. Identical posting sequence numbers are assigned by the system to all entries posted in a particular session.

A sequence number will display in this column for entries that were unsuccessfully posted or if the system is in the process of posting the entry. If the record has a posting sequence number, you will not be able to save any changes made to other columns on this screen. After the entry has been successfully posted for the asset, the sequence number will no longer display in this column.

Asset Notes

This column displays the optional notes entered for this record, if applicable. The Notes data may have been entered/edited in the Notes tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

You can edit the notes or enter additional information to associate with the asset record.

Note: All columns from this screen are also available on the Manage Asset Master Information screen with one exception—the Asset Notes column that displays on this screen is alternately available from the Notes tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen and is not available as a specific menu selection.