Are there any links between Fixed Assets and Billings so that posted depreciation expense can also be a billable job charge?

Currently, when you post depreciation, disposals or transfers, the system posts all depreciable entries (and non-depreciable entries for which the Post Disposal to G/L check box has been selected on the Manage Asset Master Information screen) to the General Ledger for the current fiscal year, period, and subperiod displayed on the Configure Posting Settings screen.

The system updates the GL_POST_SUM, GL_DETL, and FS_SUM General Ledger tables. In addition, if specific conditions are met, the system will also update the OPEN_BILLING_DETL table. Because the OPEN_BILLING_DETL table is the source table for the calculation of standard bills, this gives you the ability to automatically bill depreciation expense. You can also update the Open Billing Detail table with depreciation expense data during a Fixed Assets posting if specific conditions are met at time of posting, as follows:

  • The account to which depreciation will be posted has been associated with a Project Account Group that has been assigned a Labor or Non-Labor function.

    Although a labor account would be considered inappropriate for charging depreciation expense, there are no Fixed Assets rules regarding the types of accounts to which depreciation can be posted.

  • The project to which depreciation will be posted has been set up as a billable project in the Project Billing Master at that project level or higher.
  • The Manage Project Billing Information record is transaction-based.

Please refer to the documentation for the Manage Open Billing Detail screen in Costpoint Billing for more detailed information.