Run Queries on Lead/Contact Status and Other Information

Use the Query dialog box on the Manage Leads and Status screen to search for leads/contacts based on status, lead/contact ID, qualified stage, and other information.

To run queries on lead/contact status and other information:

  1. Click CRM & Contracts > Resources > Leads and Contacts > Manage Leads and Contacts.
  2. Click .
  3. On the Find tab of the Query dialog box, enter values in any or all of the following Search Criteria fields. Alternatively, you can leave all fields blank to search for all lead/contact records.
    • Lead/Contact ID
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Qualified Stage
    • Stage Date
    • Lead Status
    • Owner ID
    • Owner Name
  4. Click Find.
    Costpoint displays records that meet your selection criteria in the table window.
  5. Click the or menu to preview or print a report on the current/queried records.