Print Voucher Edit Report

Use this screen to print the Voucher Edit Report for Accounts Payable vouchers, purchase order vouchers, and recurring Accounts Payable templates.

The report provides a listing of all the vouchers that have been entered.

You can print:

  • Unposted or posted vouchers
  • Approved vouchers and/or unapproved vouchers
  • Paid and/or unpaid vouchers
  • Recurring and/or non-recurring vouchers
  • By entry user ID, vendor, or by voucher number
  • Entry user IDs, vendors, or voucher numbers
  • An optional page break after each entry user ID, vendor, or voucher number
  • The Input File Number for vouchers created by the A/P Voucher Preprocessor
  • Account names, references, tax and discount line detail, and line notes

Review this report after entering the vouchers to verify the data entry.

You can select a paid voucher on this screen only if the entire voucher was paid with a manual check, and you entered that manual check on the Check tab of the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen.

Note: You can apply organization security to the Voucher Edit report. Use this optional feature to grant or remove rights to view and/or update specific organizations to users. To do so, you must first set up the necessary organization security screens. You can then activate organization security. For more information about organization security and how to apply it, see the documentation for the Costpoint Organizational Security module.