
Use the Project Revenue Summary with Backlog prompts to run the report.

Prompt Message



Select the company to use to run the report.

Fiscal year

Select the fiscal year.


Select the period.


Select the subperiod.

If adjustment subperiods are available for the selected period, they are displayed in the Subperiod drop-down list including the adjustment period type which can either be Interim or Final.

For example:
  • Interim adjustment subperiod 1 will display as 3 Adj Pd - Interim.
  • Final adjustment period 1 will display as Adj Pd - Final.

Primary group

Select the primary grouping for the report:

  • Alternate Project

  • Organization - Owning

  • Organization - Performing

  • Project

  • Project Classification

  • Project Manager

  • Project Type

  • Reorganization

Reorganization, Alternate Project, and Project Manager are optional prompts that require some prior setup in Costpoint before you can use them.

To use Reorganization, first establish Reorganization structure in Accounting > General Ledger > Reorganizations.

To use Alternate Project, first establish alternate project structure in Projects > Project Setup > Alternate Reporting.

To use Project Managers, link project managers to projects on the Manage Project User Flow screen in Costpoint.

Rate type

Select the rate type to include:

  • Actual: Print the report using actual burden rates from the tables.

  • Target: Print the report using target burden rates from the tables.

  • Actual/Target: Print the report using both actual and target burden rates from the tables.

Columns to display

Select the data you want to display from the list of columns.

Revenue level

Select Yes to display project data at revenue level. Select No and then select a project level in the next field to display data at project level.

Project level

Select the project level at which you want the report printed. All lower levels will be rolled up for the report.

Organization level

Select the organization level at which you want the report printed. All lower levels will be rolled up for the report.

Limit projects

Enter a portion of one or more project IDs in the Keywords field and click Search to list projects to include on the report.

To narrow the search, click Options to select filter criteria. If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options. If applicable, click the right arrow to move your selected results to Choices.


Select the types of projects to include:

  • Active projects only

  • Billable projects only

Project page break

Specify whether or not page breaks per project will be included in the report.