Processing Progress Payment Invoices

This section provides a general step-by-step plan for producing progress payment invoices. You should incorporate this plan into your normal billing cycle. This plan assumes that you have already completed the progress payment initialization screens.

Step 1

Form 1443s are usually submitted on a monthly basis. You should enter transactions and post them during the month using the various data entry screens. Be sure that the accounts payable and purchase order vouchers, entered for subcontractors, have the subcontractor data completed on the Header Info subtask of the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or the Header Info subtask of the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.

Step 2

For projects that have been designated as "large business," execute the Update Cash Basis Information screen. This updates the Cash Basis Information subtask of the Manage Open Billing Detail screen with payment information from the vendor check history files.

Step 3

Execute the Update Subcontractor Progress Payments screen for all projects, large and small business. This updates the Manage Subcontractor Progress Payments table and delete transactions that use subcontractor accounts from the Manage Open Billing Detail screen.

Note: The Progress Payment process cannot properly handle partial payments of subcontractor invoices.

Step 4

If your company calculates progress payment billings using actual rates, execute the Compute/Print Pool Rates, Post Pool Journal, and Compute Burden Costs screens. If your company calculates Progress Payment Billings using target rates, you can omit this step and proceed to Step 5.

Step 5

Execute the Calculate Progress Payment Bills screen. You do not have to assign special project IDs to projects that bill using 1443s. The process calculates only for projects that use the Progress Payments billing formula. You can use the Select Bill Group and Select Billing Cycle options to limit which bills can be calculated and by whom.

Note: If you have hours-based pools, a subcontractor delivery invoice exists, and the delivery and shipment values are not zero, you get a message warning you to enter delivery hours on the Manage Subcontractor Progress Payments screen if subcontractor delivery hours should be burdened.  

Step 6

The calculate process produces one invoice per project that can be viewed and modified, if necessary, on the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen. Notice that the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen has many of the same fields as the Manage Closed Progress Billing Detail screen. Both of these screens have been designed to simulate the actual form 1443. On the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen, you can modify only existing bills resulting from the calculation process; you cannot enter additional bills or insert additional rows into existing bills.

The method of modifying the bills depends on the type of billing line. You can modify some lines on the main screen, but others must be modified from the Line Detail subtask (lines 9, 10, 13, 14a, 14b, and 14d) of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen. To modify billing lines in the Line Detail subtask, modify either the Hold Amount or Write Off Amount field of a given transaction. In addition, you can modify the Billing Amount field of lines containing burdens or cost of money.

In the Line Detail subtask, you cannot modify subcontractor delivery invoices because partial billing of these transactions is not allowed. If you want to place an entire transaction on hold, clear the Accepted check box on the Manage Subcontractor Progress Payments screen.

After the line detail modifications, you can incorporate the modifications into the bill through a recalculation process, which is completed in the Line Detail subtask. Modifications made directly on the main screen are automatically incorporated into later calculations on the bill by tabbing to another field. For a complete discussion of each of these billing lines, please see the Line-By-Line Discussion of the Form 1443 section in this topic.

If you entered the Customer Terms on the Manage Project Billing Information screen, the Costpoint-calculated due date appears in the Due Date field on the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen; this can be modified. This is not a required field; however, if you leave it blank, Costpoint uses the bill date as the due date in the A/R history files when you post the bill. In other words, the due date is mandatory for the A/R Aging report, which uses it to age the receivable.

On the main Manage Progress Payment Billings screen, you cannot modify the Project ID and name, Customer ID and name, and company-wide Invoice number. Leave the status to its initial setting, Unselected, until you have concluded your review process. Unselected invoices can be re-calculated or printed, but they must be in a Selected, or accepted, status before you can post them. You can modify the status for an individual project in this screen or for a range of projects on the Select Bills for Posting screen.

Step 7

You can print the 1443s from the Print Progress Payment Bills screen. You can limit the bills that you want to print by using the Select Bill Group and Select Billing Cycle options. As with the Standard Bills, you can print unselected bills. However, unlike the Standard Bills, text that states that the bill is in an unselected status does not print in the header of the Progress Payment bills.

Step 8

You can create the iRAPT file for all selected invoices that have a record on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen with the Invoice Type of Progress Payment selected. Before executing this process, you must have selected the bill on the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen. See more information on iRAPT in "Invoicing, Receipt, Acceptance and Property Transfer."

Step 9

To post, use the Post Progress Payment Bills screen. As previously noted, you can post only selected bills.