Option Subtask

Use this subtask to define detail option information.

The detail includes scheduling a Costpoint function or Windows executable to launch when starting the option.

An option is an alternative choice for starting or completing a business task. Each option is a selection for an activity with options. Workflow routes the activity to user's inboxes (and email, if available), but lets the user choose which option to start or complete. When designing a workflow, you must add an activity with options and then add related options. Add these options to the next level of the Activities table window of the Manage Workflow Models screen. The detail information for the activity with options is entered and displayed in the Activity With Options subtask.

This subtask is only accessible when the selected item in the Activities table window is an option. You must first add an option to the list box using the Add Activity subtask.


Field Description
Workflow Name

This field displays the name of the currently selected workflow.


This field displays the currently selected activity.


Use this field to enter a description for the action that this activity option performs. Initially, the option name you entered in the add Activity subtask displays in this field.

Expected Duration (Hours)

Use this field to enter an estimated number of hours up to which it takes to complete this activity. For example, enter a value of 1.5 for an expected duration of one hour and 30 minutes.


Use this group box to specify launch properties for this activity.

Function Type

Use this group box to specify the launch method for this activity.

Field Description

Select this option if you do not want to classify this activity under a function type.

Costpoint Function

Select this option to classify this activity as a Costpoint function. This option enables the Module and Function fields and disables the .EXE > File and .EXE Arguments fields.

Windows Executable

Select this option to classify this activity as an executable outside of Costpoint. This option enables the .EXE File and .EXE Arguments fields and disables the Module and Function fields.


Use this field to enter, or use to select, the Costpoint module associated with this activity. If you enter a Function, you must enter an application from this Costpoint module. Select the None option in the Function Type group box if you do not want to associate the activity with a Costpoint module and function.


Use in this field to select the function you want to use for this activity. Function identifies which Costpoint application you want the workflow to launch when starting this option.

The field to the right automatically displays the application ID for this function. As an alternative, you can use the field to the right to enter, or use to select, the application ID of the function you want to use.

Note: Costpoint functions may be populated with data when launched. If you enter one of these functions here, you will be prompted to add the related labels to the Case subtask when you save this screen.
.EXE File

Use this field to enter the .exe file you want to associate with this activity.

.EXE Arguments

Use this field to enter an .exe argument (file or parameter) you want to associate with the .exe file specified in the .EXE File field.


Use this group box to enter specific instructions on how to complete this activity.