US Munitions List Category III

The US Munitions List Category III covers the following defense articles, services, and related technical data: Ammunition and Ordinance.

If you selected Category III on the Manage United States Munitions List screen, then you can choose the corresponding USML sub-category details from the table below.


An asterisk precedes certain defense articles in the following list. The asterisk means that the article is deemed to be "Significant Military Equipment" to the extent specified in § 120.7 of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) issued by the Department of State Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC).

Sub-Category Description
a * (a) Ammunition/ordnance for the articles in Categories I and II of this section.
b (b) Ammunition/ordnance handling equipment specifically designed or modified for the articles controlled in this category, such as, belting, linking, and de-linking
c (c) Equipment and tooling specifically designed or modified for the production of defense articles controlled by this category.
d (d) Components, parts, accessories, attachments and associated equipment specifically designed or modified for the articles in this category:
  • * (1) Guidance and control components for the articles in paragraph (a) of this category;

  • * (2) Safing, arming and fuzing components (including target detection and localization devices) for the articles in paragraph (a) of this category; and

  • (3) All other components, parts, accessories, attachments and associated equipment for the articles in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this category.

e (e) Technical data (as defined in § 120.10 of this subchapter) and defense services (as defined in § 120.9 of this subchapter) directly related to the defense articles
f (f) The following explains and amplifies the terms used in this category and elsewhere in this subchapter:
  • (1) The components, parts, accessories and attachments controlled in this category include, but are not limited to cartridge cases, powder bags (or other propellant charges), bullets, jackets, cores, shells (excluding shotgun shells), projectiles (including canister rounds and submunitions therefor), boosters, firing components therefor, primers, and other detonating devices for the defense articles controlled in this category.

  • (2) This category does not control cartridge and shell casings that, prior to export, have been rendered useless beyond the possibility of restoration for use as a cartridge or shell casing by means of heating, flame treatment, mangling, crushing, cutting or popping.

  • (3) Equipment and tooling in paragraph (c) of this category does not include equipment for hand-loading ammunition.

  • (4) The articles in this category include any end item, component, accessory, attachment, part, firmware, software, or system that has been designed or manufactured using technical data and defense services controlled by this category.

  • (5) The articles specifically designed or modified for military application controlled in this category include any article specifically developed, configured, or adapted for military application.