Opportunities Subtask

Use this subtask to view the opportunities associated with the lead/contact.

You can associate a lead/contact with an opportunity through the Lead Contact field on the General tab of Manage Opportunities. When you save the opportunity record, the opportunity displays on this subtask when you access the lead/contact record.

Other opportunity associations are established based on the entries on the Business Affiliations subtask for the lead/contact and whether any of the specific affiliations (customer ID, address code, and contact ID combinations) exist as or are linked to the Primary Customer or Acquisition Customer on the General tab of Manage Opportunities. When you save the lead/contact record, associated opportunities display on this subtask.

All fields on this subtask are read-only.


Associated opportunities from companies other than the one you are logged into are also displayed on this subtask. However, opportunity and customer data are not displayed as hyperlinks.

This subtask does not display opportunity associations from companies you do not have access rights to, even if the customer ID, address code, and/or contact ID on the Business Affiliations subtask match entries on the Manage Opportunities screen.

Table Window

Field Description
Opportunity ID This field displays the opportunity ID associated with the lead/contact. This field displays as a hyperlink that you can use to open the Manage Opportunities screen and access additional information about the opportunity.
Opportunity Name This field displays the opportunity name. This field displays as a hyperlink that you can use to open the Manage Opportunities screen and access additional information about the opportunity.
Company ID This field displays the company ID associated with the opportunity.
Customer ID This field displays the customer ID associated with the opportunity. This field displays as a hyperlink that you can use to open the Manage Customers screen and access additional information about the customer.
Customer Name This field displays the customer name. This field displays as a hyperlink that you can use to open the Manage Customers screen and access additional information about the customer.
Contact Type

This field displays the contact type, which could be any of the following:

  • Prime Contact
  • Acquisition Contact
  • Lead Contact
Contact First Name This field displays the first name of the contact associated with the opportunity.
Contact Last Name This field displays the last name of the contact associated with the opportunity.
Stage This field displays the opportunity stage.
Stage Date Changed This field displays the date on which the stage for the opportunity was most recently changed.
Date Opened This field displays the date the opportunity was opened.
Date Closed This field displays the date the opportunity was closed.
Role This field displays the associated company's role or responsibility on the opportunity.
Our Value This field displays the amount of the total contract value that the company expects to earn if it is awarded the contract associated with the opportunity.