Error File and Error Report

If the input file contains invalid or unsupported values, Costpoint generates an error file, and an error report.

Error File Layout

An error file is created in the following layout, similar to the upload file. It includes the first eight Time & Expense fields in the header record and other data defaults required by Time & Expense. Because the error file is directly downloaded into Time & Expense, it must be in a comma-separated format.

  • The CSV error file is saved with the following naming convention: EXP_REJECTION_YYYMMDDHHMMSS.CSV.
  • The directory to which the error file is written is the directory specified in the Location field.
Note: If one voucher within an expense report or advance has an error and cannot be uploaded, all vouchers with the same expense number or advance ID are included as errors and are on the Error report. Time & Expense cannot accept partial expense report or advance records.
Business Name Field Type Field Value/Default Info/Description
Version Number 1 Set to 1. For Time & Expense use only
Import Code Character 1 Set to B. For Time & Expense use only
External Expense ID Number 3 Set to value from upload file. For Time & Expense use only
External Expense Report ID Character 12 Set to value from upload file. For Time & Expense use only
Rejection Reason Character 234 Set to value from error message. For Time & Expense use only

Error Report

The error report contains the voucher number, expense report ID or advance ID, fiscal year, record type, field, contents, and error message. The error file is generated in the same format as the input file and has the same prefix with a suffix of . ERR.

In addition, each error record is appended with the first eight Time & Expense fields in the header record. These Time & Expense fields are: External System Code, External Expense Report/Advance ID, External Expense ID, External TS Schedule, External TS Year, and External TS Period. With errors properly recorded and reported, rejected records are then deleted. This leaves only valid rows for processing.

Field Description
Report Specific Information

If you select the Process Input File or Import Vouchers option in the final stages of the process, the application prints both error and edit reports.

Creating New Reports

After importing the file, go to the Print Voucher Edit Report screen and select the TE or TA voucher type to create a report.