Contents of the Print Voucher Register Report Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Print Voucher Register Report screen.

Selection Ranges

Use the fields in this block to specify the selection ranges of the following: Period, Voucher, Vendor, Entry User, A/P Account, A/P Organization, and Transaction Currency.


Field Description

Use this drop-down list to select the range of periods to be included. Valid options are:

  • All: Select this option to include all available periods. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option. This is the default.
  • One: Select this option to include only one period and then enter that period in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of periods. Enter the beginning period for the range in the Start field and enter the ending period of the range in the End field.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include a range of periods that begins with the first of all the available periods and ends with the period that you enter in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to include a range of periods that begins with the specific period that you enter in the Start field and ends with the last of all the available periods. The End field is disabled for this option.
Start Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, the starting fiscal year of the vouchers you want included on the listing.

Start Period

Enter, or click to select, the starting period of the vouchers you want included on the listing.

Start Subpd

Enter, or click to select, the starting subperiod of the vouchers you want included on the listing.

End Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, the ending fiscal year of the vouchers you want included on the listing.

End Period

Enter, or click to select, the ending period of the vouchers you want included on the listing.

End Subperiod

Enter, or click to select, the ending subperiod of the vouchers you want included on the listing.


Field Description

Use this drop-down list to select the range of vouchers to be included. Valid options are:

  • All: Select this option to include all available vouchers. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option. This is the default.
  • One: Select this option to include only one voucher and then enter that voucher in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of vouchers. Enter the beginning voucher for the range in the Start field and enter the ending voucher of the range in the End field.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include a range of vouchers that begins with the first of all the available vouchers and ends with the voucher that you enter in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to include a range of vouchers that begins with the specific voucher that you enter in the Start field and ends with the last of all the available vouchers. The End field is disabled for this option.

Enter, or click to select, the starting voucher for the range that you want to include. If you select All or From Beginning in the Option field, this field is inactive.


Enter, or click to select, the ending voucher for the range that you want to include. If you select All, One, or To End in the Option field, this field is inactive.


Field Description

Use this drop-down list to select the range of vendors to be included. Valid options are:

  • All: Select this option to include all available vendors. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option. This is the default.
  • One: Select this option to include only one vendor and then enter that vendor in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of vendors. Enter the beginning vendor for the range in the Start field and enter the ending vendor of the range in the End field.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include a range of vendors that begins with the first of all the available vendors and ends with the vendor that you enter in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to include a range of vendors that begins with the specific vendor that you enter in the Start field and ends with the last of all the available vendors. The End field is disabled for this option.

Enter, or click to select, the starting vendor for the range that you want to include. If you select All or From Beginning in the Option field, this field is inactive.


Enter, or click to select, the ending vendor for the range that you want to include. If you select All, One, or To End in the Option field, this field is inactive.

Entry User

Field Description

Use this drop-down list to select the range of user IDs to be included. Valid options are:

  • All: Select this option to include all available user IDs. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option. This is the default.
  • One: Select this option to include only one user ID and then enter that user ID in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of user IDs. Enter the beginning user ID for the range in the Start field and enter the ending user ID of the range in the End field.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include a range of user IDs that begins with the first of all the available user IDs and ends with the user ID that you enter in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to include a range of user IDs that begins with the specific user ID that you enter in the Start field and ends with the last of all the available user IDs. The End field is disabled for this option.

Enter, or click to select, the starting user ID for the range that you want to include. If you select All or From Beginning in the Option field, this field is inactive.


Enter, or click to select, the ending user ID for the range that you want to include. If you select All, One, or To End in the Option field, this field is inactive.

A/P Account

Field Description

Use this drop-down list to select the range of accounts to be included. Valid options are:

  • All: Select this option to include all available accounts. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option. This is the default.
  • One: Select this option to include only one account and then enter that account in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of accounts. Enter the beginning account for the range in the Start field and enter the ending account of the range in the End field.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include a range of accounts that begins with the first of all the available accounts and ends with the account that you enter in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to include a range of accounts that begins with the specific account that you enter in the Start field and ends with the last of all the available accounts. The End field is disabled for this option.

Enter, or click to select, the starting account for the range that you want to include. If you select All or From Beginning in the Option field, this field is inactive.


Enter, or click to select, the ending account for the range that you want to include. If you select All, One, or To End in the Option field, this field is inactive.

A/P Organization

Field Description

Use this drop-down list to select the range of Accounts Payable organizations to be included. Valid options are:

  • All: Select this option to include all available organizations. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option. This is the default.
  • One: Select this option to include only one organization and then enter that organization in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of organizations. Enter the beginning organization for the range in the Start field and enter the ending organization of the range in the End field.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include a range of organizations that begins with the first of all the available organizations and ends with the organization that you enter in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to include a range of organizations that begins with the specific organization that you enter in the Start field and ends with the last of all the available organizations. The End field is disabled for this option.

Enter, or click to select, the starting organization for the range that you want to include. If you select All or From Beginning in the Option field, this field is inactive.


Enter, or click to select, the ending organization for the range that you want to include. If you select All, One, or To End in the Option field, this field is inactive.

Transaction Currency

Field Description

Use this drop-down list to select the range of transaction currencies to be included. Only those currencies established via the Manage Currencies screen are available from the Lookups in these fields. Valid options are:

  • All: Select this option to include all available transaction currencies. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option. This is the default.
  • One: Select this option to include only one transaction currency and then enter that transaction currency in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of transaction currencies. Enter the beginning transaction currency for the range in the Start field and enter the ending transaction currency of the range in the End field.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include a range of transaction currencies that begins with the first of all the available transaction currencies and ends with the transaction currency that you enter in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to include a range of transaction currencies that begins with the specific transaction currency that you enter in the Start field and ends with the last of all the available transaction currencies. The End field is disabled for this option.

Enter, or click to select, the starting transaction currency for the range that you want to include. If you select All or From Beginning in the Option field, this field is inactive.


Enter, or click to select, the ending transaction currency for the range that you want to include. If you select All, One, or To End in the Option field, this field is inactive.


Payment Status

Use these check boxes to specify the types of voucher payment statuses you want to include on this report. Select one or all of the following status settings:

  • Defer: Defer from payment. Any voucher on Defer status will not be selected for payment on the Select Vouchers screen.
  • Hold: Hold for payment.
  • Paid: The voucher was paid in full. Costpoint sets this status when vouchers are paid by check or through the EFT process.
  • Pay: Pay the voucher. If a voucher has this status, a check prints for it the next time the Print Checks routine is run.
  • PAYWPD (Pay When Paid): These vouchers will not be paid until the vouchered costs are invoiced and paid in full by the customer.
  • PPHold (Part Pay/Hold): The voucher is partially paid, but the remainder of the balance is on hold.

Voucher Type

Use these check boxes to specify the voucher types you want to include on this report. Select one or all of the following status settings:

  • AP
  • PO
  • Travel
  • Manual
  • PR
  • TE - Expense
  • TE - Advance

Sort By

Field Description
1st Sort

Use these options to specify the option by which the report should be sorted. The available choices are:

  • Voucher
  • PO
  • Vendor
  • AP Acct/Org