Print Voucher Register Report

Use this screen to print a listing of vouchers by period. You can select the vouchers and order them by a number of options.

This report supports multiple goals. You can run this report for a single period as an audit report, or for multiple periods for a single vendor, giving a complete listing of all the vouchers posted for a particular vendor. This report can also provide a listing of all the vouchers for a particular entry ID entered for a single period or more, and so on.

Typically, at the end of the accounting period, you run a version of this report that gives a listing of all vouchers for a single accounting period. Retain this version for audit purposes. You can run the other versions of the report at any time.

Note: You can apply organization security to the Voucher Register Report. Use this optional feature to grant or remove rights to view and/or update specific organizations to users. To do so, you must first set up the necessary organization security screens. For more information about organization security and how to apply it, see the documentation about Organizational Security in Costpoint Administration.