Step 7: Manage Location Groups

Set up optional location groups on the Manage Location Groups screen.

Even if you have established location groups, the Location Group field is optional on the Loc Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information (or the Manage Asset Location Information screen) and Manage Asset Template Information screens.

You can use location group functionality to identify and establish sets of location data that you can summarize into location "templates" such as sites or other specific physical locations. Because many assets often share basic location data, the location group template makes location data entry more efficient in your asset records.

The only location groups from which to choose for entry on the Loc Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information (or the Manage Asset Location Information screen) and Manage Asset Template Information screens are validated location group codes previously set up on the Manage Location Groups screen.

The only location codes from which to choose for entry on the Loc Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information and Manage Asset Template Information screens, the Manage Asset Location Information screen, and/or the Manage Location Groups screen are location codes from the Manage Location 1 Codes, Manage Location 2 Codes, and Manage Location 3 Codes screens (as appropriate).