Edit 1099 Information

Use this screen to view, edit, and add 1099 income information for pay vendors by taxable entity.

Costpoint retrieves existing 1099 information from the 1099 table and updates the table with any modifications you make here. You can use this screen to change the vendor's 1099 amount and address code, to add 1099 information for individual vendors, and to delete lines of information for existing vendors.

Use Query to select a taxable entity and a calendar year. After you select a taxable entity and a calendar year, the table window populates with all the appropriate 1099 information.

Because this screen is available only by querying the 1099 table, you must have already created 1099 information on the Create 1099 Information screen. After 1099 information is created, use this screen to edit it as many times as necessary.

After you finish making changes, print the 1099 Edit Report as a final check on your 1099 information. Make sure that you complete all edits before you print the 1099s.

See 1099 FAQs for more information.