Contents of the Edit 1099 Information Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Edit 1099 Information screen.


Field Description
Taxable Entity

After you use Query to select a taxable entity, the taxable entity ID and name display in these non-editable fields. Use the Configure Company Information screen to correct the taxable entity ID and/or name, if necessary.

Note: The taxable entity's address does not display on this screen. Before printing 1099s, review the taxable entity address information on the Configure Company Information screen to make sure it is correct. Only address line 1 of the taxable entity's address prints on the 1099 form (along with the city, state/province, and postal code). Address line 2 and address line 3 do not print on the 1099 form.
Company Name

This displays the name of the taxable entity.

Calendar Year

This non-editable field displays the calendar year you selected via Query. All 1099 information created for this taxable entity and calendar year display in the table window.

Tax ID

This field displays the taxable entity's tax ID. Use the Configure Company Information screen to correct a wrong or missing tax ID, if necessary.

Total 1099 Amount

This non-editable field displays the total amount of all 1099s that your company issued to all its vendors. This field displays the year-to-date total of all payments made to all your company's vendors, regardless whether the payments were identified as taxable or not.

Total Taxable Amount

This non-editable field displays the total currency amounts that were identified as taxable when paid to the vendors. Only payments previously identified as taxable display in this field; these amounts can differ from the Total 1099 Amount field. After you save this screen, the Total Taxable Amount field reflects each new line added to this screen.

Table Window

Field Description
Pay Vendor

This field displays the pay vendor's ID. You can edit this field only on new lines. On a new line, enter, or click to select, a vendor ID.

If you use lookup in this field to select a pay vendor ID, your choices are limited to those that were flagged for 1099 creation in the 1099s group box on the Header tab of the Manage Vendor screen. To keep this lookup accurate, change old vendor statuses individually via the 1099s subtask.

Before saving, Costpoint checks new lines to validate that the pay vendor and cash organization combination has not been duplicated in the 1099 information for this taxable entity and calendar year. If the pay vendor and cash organization combination already exists in the 1099 table, you cannot save.

Cash Organization

This field displays the organization from which the vendor was paid. You can edit this field only on new lines. On a new line, enter, or click to select a cash organization.

After you add a pay vendor to a new line and tab out of the field, Costpoint fills in this field with the pay vendor's default cash organization. (This organization is linked to the default cash account specified on the Defaults tab of the Manage Vendor screen.) If you want to use a different cash organization, enter the organization number or use Lookup to select an organization from a list of cash account/organizations.

Costpoint performs two validations on this field.

  • When you tab out of the field on a new line, Costpoint checks that the organization is linked to a cash account set up on the Manage Cash Accounts screen.
  • When you save, Costpoint checks new lines to validate that the pay vendor and cash organization combination has not been duplicated in the 1099 information for this taxable entity and calendar year. If the pay vendor and cash organization combination already exists in the 1099 table, you cannot save.
1099 Type

This field displays the 1099 type. Click to select a different 1099 type. Each pay vendor must have only one 1099 type.

1099 Name

This field displays the name of the company that prints on the 1099.

Pay Vendor Long Name

This non-editable field displays the pay vendor's name. Use the Manage Vendor screen to change the pay vendor's name, if necessary, and then recreate 1099 information using the Create 1099 Information screen.

Tax ID

This field displays the pay vendor's tax ID depending on the suppression settings on the Manage Users screen.

This table describes how the suppression settings are applied to this field:
Suppress SSN Suppress AP Tax ID Result
Cleared Cleared The Tax ID displays whether you select non-employee vendors or vendors that are company employees.
Cleared Selected The Tax ID displays only when you select vendors that are company employees.
Selected Cleared The Tax ID displays only when you select non-employee vendors.
Selected Selected The Tax ID is hidden whether you select non-employee vendors or vendors that are company employees.

If you are adding a new line for a vendor without a tax ID, you can enter the tax ID here. Changes you make to the pay vendor's tax ID in this screen, however, update only the 1099 table. A missing or incorrect tax ID will not be corrected on the Manage Vendors screen.

Note: After you correct the tax ID on this screen, you should make the same corrections to the Tax ID field in the 1099s group box on the Header tab of the Manage Vendor screen.
Address Code

The address code designates which of the vendor's addresses to use on the 1099. The Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media screen then prints only the first line of this address (Address Line 1 from the Manage Vendors screen) on the 1099 form. The city, state/province, and postal code also print.

  • If there was a default payment address specified on the Manage Vendor screen, the default automatically populates this field.
  • If none of the vendor's addresses have been designated as a default, the first payment address in the table defaults into this field. (Addresses are listed in alphabetical order by code on the Manage Vendors screen.)

To change the address code on new or existing lines, enter, or click to select, a valid address code. You must have already set up address codes for use with the vendor on the Manage Vendors screen, or you cannot save. You cannot save if you enter a different address code for the same pay vendor.

Note: If you created 1099 information for a vendor without an address on the Manage Vendors screen, this field is blank. When you print a 1099 for a vendor without an address, the Recipient's Address field is blank. Because all 1099s should include the recipient's address, Deltek recommends that you set up addresses and address codes for all 1099 vendors on the Manage Vendors screen. You can check the accuracy of these addresses by printing the Vendor Information report.
Print Address

Select this check box to print the address on the 1099 form.

Foreign Address

Costpoint uses the Country field in the vendor's address from the Manage Vendors screen to determine whether the address is foreign or domestic. One of the following settings displays in this field:

  • F: The address code represents a foreign address
  • D: The address code represents a domestic address
  • N: Indicates that you did not enter an address for the vendor, even if you entered an address code. Because the magnetic media file stores foreign/domestic address information, you should enter the vendor's address on the Manage Vendors screen.
1099 Amount

The amount of 1099 income associated with this pay vendor and cash organization combination displays in this editable field. Although you can edit this amount, there must always be a value greater than zero in this field. If there is no amount, you should delete the line. Costpoint updates the amount in the 1099 table with any changes you make.

Use the Check Detail subtask to view payment information for each pay vendor by cash organization that will help you reconcile discrepancies in 1099 income. To view this information, highlight the line you want to see detailed and click the Check Detail button.


Use this optional field to record any notes about the edits you made. This field is editable on both existing and new lines.

Entry ID

This non-editable field displays the user ID of the person who created or entered this information. If this is a new line, your user ID displays here.

Entry Date

This non-editable field displays the date the information was created or entered. If this is a new line, today's date displays here.


Subtask Description
Check Detail Click this link to open the Check Detail subtask.