Export Asset Disposals

The Export Asset Disposals application facilitates the movement of large numbers of fixed asset disposal records from one Costpoint database to another Costpoint database.

The application creates a delimited ASCII file of fixed assets disposal data from records in a Costpoint database that you can then import into another Costpoint database via the Import Asset Disposals application. In addition, the process of exporting with this application and then importing using the Import Asset Disposals function forces the asset data through system validations that are otherwise available only when manually adding records one at a time through the Manage Disposal Transactions screen.

The Export Asset Disposals application creates a header row in the export file with the providing database’s current Posting Settings and Company ID. The Import Asset Disposals application only uploads an input file with a fiscal year and period that matches the Posting Settings for the company specified in the receiving database. This feature ensures that mass disposal record transfers from one Costpoint database to another are uploaded into the receiving database in the same Fixed Assets year and period in which the assets were downloaded from the database providing the data.

Note: The timing of the upload is important. Process the disposal export and import in a timely fashion so that assets are removed from the balance sheets in the correct fiscal year/accounting period. This ensures that depreciation expense and gain/loss from the disposal post to the General Ledger as you intend.