T&M Profitability Report

Use the T&M Profitability report to review actual employee contributions to revenue and profit for existing Time and Materials (T&M) projects through the current fiscal period in Costpoint Planning, along with projected contributions for the next six fiscal periods.

Employees are grouped by project and by project labor category (PLC).

For each employee, the report displays the following revenue, burdened cost, and profit amounts:

  • Inception-to-date (ITD) amounts through the period preceding the current period in Costpoint Planning

  • Projected amounts for the current period in Costpoint Planning (<current period end date> Budget column)

  • Projected amounts for the next five fiscal periods

  • Projected amount beyond the next six fiscal periods (ETC amount – Sum of the projected period amounts)

  • Estimate-to-complete (ETC) amount

  • Estimate-at-completion (EAC) amount

  • Forecast amount (ITD amount + ETC amount)