Checklist: Complete Liens Information

Use the information that you receive from your contract administrator or project manager to complete the l information in Costpoint.

To complete the lien information:

  1. Identify the vendor as a subcontractor on the Subcontractor Payment Control block of the Manage Vendor screen.

    You can select any one of the options (Invoice, Invoice Period of Performance, or Payment Selection). Comparison dates are not used for liens. If a vendor has a lien currently in effect, payments are held.

  2. On the Liens subtask of the Subcontractor Payment Control block, review existing vendor and project lien links.
  3. Add new lines to complete the data for the Lien Information table.
  4. When your contract administrator or project manager alerts you that the lien was released, return to the Liens subtask of the Subcontractor Payment Control block. Retrieve the vendor and project.
  5. Change the Released field to Y, enter the Released Date, and save the screen.