Recompute and Print Discrepancies

Use this screen to recompute and/or print discrepancies between the purchase order voucher line and the purchase order line.

The discrepancies are stored at the purchase order voucher line level. All purchase order vouchers that have not been posted by voucher distribution are eligible for inclusion.

  • You can recompute and print discrepancies at any time.
  • You can recompute and print discrepancies for all or a selected range of purchase orders, vouchers, vendor IDs, or vendor names.
  • You can base the recomputing and/or printing upon the user ID from the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.
  • You can recompute and/or print all purchase order vouchers, only purchase order vouchers with discrepancies, or only purchase order vouchers with discrepancies over the user thresholds.

Because the discrepancy report is not part of the Costpoint audit trial, you are not required to retain it. You may, however, find it useful to retain a printed copy for your records.

Screen Contents

This screen has three blocks:

  • Use the Identification block to enter a parameter ID and description.
  • Use the Selection Ranges block to specify the records to be included.
  • Use the Options block to specify whether you want to print all purchase order vouchers, purchase order vouchers with discrepancies, or purchase order vouchers with discrepancies over user-specified thresholds.