Contents of the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen.

2- or 3-Way Matching

This group box contains the match type and match option for each of the different item types within Costpoint. These values default to the purchase order line. You cannot maintain these values at the purchase order line for parts, services, or goods. For miscellaneous items, you can override the default at the purchase order line.

The match type indicates whether there is:

  • A 2-way match between the purchase order quantity and the invoice quantity, or
  • A 3-way match among the purchase order quantity, the accepted quantity plus the rejected-pay quantity, and the invoice quantity.

When there is a 3-way match, the match option indicates whether there is individual (INDIV) matching of invoice quantities against individual receipt accepted quantities, or total (TOTAL) matching of invoice quantities against the cumulative purchase order accepted quantities.

Individual (INDIV) matching can happen only if you select 3-way matching. If you select 2-way matching, the match option is always TOTAL.

Field Description
Goods (Matching)

From the drop-down list, select whether all goods are matched 2 or 3 ways. If the matching is 3-way, select a setting from the adjacent drop-down list to specify whether all goods are matched INDIV or TOTAL. If you select 2-way matching, the match option is always TOTAL.

Services (Matching)

From the drop-down list, select whether all services are matched 2 or 3 ways. If the matching is 3-way, select a setting from the adjacent drop-down list to specify whether all services are matched INDIV or TOTAL. If you select 2-way matching, the match option is always TOTAL.

Misc (Default) (Matching)

From the drop-down list, select whether the default for miscellaneous items are matched 2 or 3 ways. If the matching is 3-way, select a setting from the adjacent drop-down list to specify whether the default for miscellaneous items is matched INDIV or TOTAL. If you select 2-way matching, the match option is always TOTAL.

Parts (Matching)

The first drop-down list always displays 3 for 3-way matching. Use the adjacent drop-down list to select the matching for parts— INDIV for individual matching or TOTAL for total matching.

Approval Required

Use the options in this group box to control the approval of purchase order vouchers.

Field Description

Use the drop-down list to select the type of approval to be used for purchase order vouchers. Valid options are:

  • Manual: Indicates that all purchase order vouchers require manual approval.
  • Automatic: Indicates that all purchase order vouchers under the Discrepancies Allowed group box limits are automatically approved when the voucher is saved. Any voucher outside of the Discrepancies Allowed limits must be manually approved.
  • Limited: Indicates that all purchase order vouchers under or equal to the Approval Required Above amount and within the Discrepancies Allowed group box limits are automatically approved when the voucher is saved. Any voucher above the Approval Required Above amount or outside of the Discrepancies Allowed limits must be manually approved.

Enter the currency value to determine whether purchase order vouchers can be approved automatically. This field is active only when you select the Limited setting (above). When you do so, any voucher for an amount above this limit must be manually approved. Any voucher at or below this amount is approved automatically when you save the purchase order voucher, provided it is within the Discrepancies Allowed group box limits.

Voucher Approvals Upon Receipt

Select this check box to automatically approve vouchers upon receipt.

Auto-Voucher Creation

Use the options in this group box to have Costpoint create purchase order vouchers through the Create PO Vouchers from POs/Receipts screen. Purchase order vouchers can be created automatically only for those purchase order lines that have an Auto-Voucher option set to Y. Costpoint-defined options are as follows:

Field Description

Select this option to disable the process to create purchase order vouchers automatically, even if the purchase order Line Auto-Voucher flag is set to Y.

2- and 3-Way Match

Select this option to have purchase order vouchers created automatically for all purchase order lines. Purchase order lines that have a Match Type of 3 must be received and accepted, provided their Auto-Voucher flag is Y.

3-Way Match Only

Select this option to have purchase order vouchers created automatically only for purchase order lines that have a Match Type of 3 and that were received and accepted, provided their Auto-Voucher flag is Y.

Recalculate Details Rows Select this option to recalculate vendor labor detail to match summary amounts when creating Subcontractor invoices.


Use this group box to allow or prevent receiving and acceptance on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen for each of the item types defined in Costpoint, and to allow the charge code to be changed on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.


Use the options in this group box to allow or prevent receiving and acceptance on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen for each of the item types defined in Costpoint.

Field Description

Select this check box to allow receiving/acceptance of goods on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen. If you do not select this check box, receiving/acceptance of goods is not allowed on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.


Select this check box to allow receiving/acceptance of services in the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen. If you do not select this check box, receiving/acceptance of services is not allowed on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.


Select this check box to allow receiving/acceptance of miscellaneous items on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen. If you do not select this check box, receiving/acceptance of miscellaneous items is not allowed on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.

Parts (Non-Inventory)

Select this check box to allow receiving/acceptance of non-inventory parts on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen. If you do not select this check box, receiving/acceptance of non-inventory parts is not allowed on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen. (The receiving/acceptance of inventory parts is never allowed on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.)

Charge Code Change

Select this check box to allow the account distribution of the purchase order to be changed on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.

The charge codes entered on the Account Distribution subtask of the Manage Purchase Orders screen automatically defaults to the Account Distribution subtask of the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.

If you select this check box, you can change the account distribution on the purchase order voucher. If you leave this check box cleared, you cannot change the account distribution on the purchase order voucher for lines that tie to purchase order lines. You can always change the account distribution of voucher lines that do not tie to purchase order lines.


Field Description
Taxable Status

From the drop-down list, select the source of the taxable status that defaults to the Header Info tab of the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen. You can override this default on the purchase order voucher and on each voucher line. Valid options are:

  • From PO: Indicates that the taxable status comes from the Tax field on the Manage Purchase Orders screen for the purchase order line being vouchered.
  • Item Type: Indicates that the taxable status comes from the Taxable group box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen. The type of item vouchered, determined by the line type, determines the voucher line's taxable status.
  • Non-Taxable: Indicates that the taxable status is N (No) for non-taxable.
  • Taxable: Indicates that the taxable status is Y (Yes) for taxable.
Receipt Quantity Autoload

From the drop-down list, select the source for populating the Invoice Quantity on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen when you click the AutoLoad button on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.

  • Accepted: Indicates that the Accepted plus Rejected-Pay quantities are loaded.
  • Received: Indicates that the Received quantity are loaded.
Exchange Rate Source:

From the drop-down list, select the source for the exchange rate that will be used for the purchase order voucher.

  • Purchase Order: Indicates that the exchange rate information will come from the purchase order.
  • Invoice Date: Indicates that the exchange rate information that falls on the invoice date will be used.
  • Current Date: Indicates that the exchange rate information for the current date will be used.

Discrepancies Allowed


This group box contains the discrepancy limits that control the automatic approval of purchase order vouchers. If you do not want to have any discrepancy limits, enter the maximum in each of these fields. In other words, each of the amount fields must be 999,999,999,999.99 and each of the percentage fields must be 100%.

Field Description
Unit Cost

Enter the discrepancy amount threshold for the unit cost. Costpoint compares the Costpoint-calculated unit cost discrepancy to this amount when determining whether a voucher can be approved automatically. The calculation is as follows: Invoice Unit Cost minus PO Unit Cost. If the calculation is above this threshold amount for any voucher line, the voucher must be manually approved.

PO Line

Enter the discrepancy amount threshold for the purchase order voucher line amount. Costpoint compares the Costpoint-calculated line amount discrepancy to this amount when determining whether a voucher can be automatically approved. The calculation depends on the type of matching for the voucher line. The calculations are as follows:

  • 2-way matching: Manage Purchase Order Vouchers Total Before Discount Amount (for all vouchers of that purchase order line) minus Manage Purchase Orders Total Line Amount.
  • 3-way matching: Manage Purchase Order Vouchers Total Before Discount Amount (for all vouchers of that purchase order line) minus ((PO Accepted Amount plus PO Rejected Amount - Pay) times (1 + Ship ID Sales Tax Rate)) minus PO Line Charge Cost Amount minus PO Line Charge Sales/VAT Tax Amt.

If the calculation is above this threshold amount, the voucher must be manually approved.


Enter the discrepancy amount threshold for the total purchase order voucher amount. Costpoint compares the Costpoint-calculated purchase order total amount discrepancy to this amount when determining whether a voucher can be automatically approved. The calculation is as follows: Manage Purchase Order Vouchers Total Before Discount Amount (for all vouchers of that purchase order) minus Manage Purchase Orders Total Amount. If the calculation is above this threshold amount, the voucher must be approved manually.


Use the fields in this group box to enter the discrepancy percentage limits.

Field Description
Unit Cost

Enter the discrepancy percentage threshold for the unit cost. Costpoint compares the Costpoint-calculated unit cost discrepancy to this percentage when determining whether a voucher can be approved automatically. The calculation is as follows: (Invoice Unit Cost minus PO Unit Cost) divided by PO Unit Cost. If the calculation is above this threshold amount, the voucher must be approved manually.


Enter the discrepancy percentage threshold for the purchase order voucher line quantity. Costpoint compares Costpoint-calculated line quantity discrepancy to this percentage when determining whether a voucher can be automatically approved. The calculation depends on the type of matching for the voucher line. The calculations follow:

  • 2-way matching: (Manage Purchase Order Vouchers Invoice Quantity (for all vouchers of that purchase order line) minus Manage Purchase Orders Ordered Quantity) divided by the Manage Purchase Orders Ordered Quantity.
  • 3-way matching: (Manage Purchase Orders Vouchers Invoice Quantity (for all vouchers of that purchase order line) minus (PO Accepted Quantity plus PO Rejected Quantity - Pay)) divided by (PO Accepted Quantity plus PO Rejected Quantity - Pay). If the calculation is above this threshold amount, the voucher must be manually approved.
Include Sales/VAT Tax

Select this check box if you need Costpoint to post a journal entry accruing the Sales/VAT Tax liability and expense when the vouchers are posted. Costpoint calculates the Sales/VAT Tax accrual for those voucher lines that are taxable and for which the vendor did not charge you. You are responsible for remitting Sales/VAT Tax to the applicable taxing authority. This option is selected by default.

Supplier Portal

If you are licensed for Supplier Portal, use the fields in this group box to set up email notifications for your Accounts Payable (AP) user. If you are not licensed for Supplier Portal, this group box is hidden.

Field Description
Invoice Email Notification Use this check box to enable the sending of email notifications to an AP user when a Supplier Portal user approves or rejects an invoice.
Email Enter the email address of the AP user who will receive invoice approval or rejection notifications.