Are there any Fixed Assets inquiries reports or processes in which the fiscal year is a selection and or sort option?

Some reports and processes have the option to select records within a certain fiscal year or period.

Some reports and processes have the option to select records based on their Acquisition Fiscal Year and Acquisition Period associated with each asset. Most of the reports and processes with an option to use the acquisition year and period information compare that information to the fiscal years and periods set up in Fixed Assets in order to properly include or exclude individual assets. Thus, it is very important that the Acquisition Year and Acquisition Period information associated with each asset exactly matches the Fiscal Year and Accounting Period established for Fixed Assets.

The following system reports feature a selection option for the fiscal year/accounting period or Acquisition Year/Acquisition Period, as follows:

  • Print Asset Master Detail Report (Acquisition Year/Acquisition Period used to limit assets displayed in the report)
  • Print Asset Master List (Acquisition Year/Acquisition Period used to limit assets displayed in the report)
  • Print Sequential Other Books Depreciation History Rpt
  • View Other Books Depreciation History
  • Print Posted Transactions Detail Report
  • Print Sequential Posted Depreciation History Report
  • Print Fixed Assets/General Ledger Reconciliation Report (Fiscal Year/Accounting Period and Acquisition Year/Acquisition Period are both used)
  • Print Schedule of Asset Activity Report (Fiscal Year/Accounting Period and Acquisition Year/Acquisition Period are both used)
  • Print Schedule of Accumulated Depr Activity Report (Fiscal Year/Accounting Period and Acquisition Year/Acquisition Period are both used)
  • Print Projected Asset Purchases Report
  • Print Projected Asset Disposals Report
  • View Projected Depreciation Expense
  • Print Asset/Template Change History Report, as applicable
  • View Asset Change History, as applicable
  • Print Autocreation Transactions Edit Report
  • Print Comparative Book Data Report
  • Compute/Update Depreciation Computation Data
  • Compute/Update Amount Taken Purchase Year-To-Date

The Print Projected Depreciation Report features a selection option for the fiscal year.

The following system reports feature a sort option by fiscal year/accounting period, as follows:

  • Print Asset Master List (Acquisition Year/Acquisition Period used to sort assets displayed in the report)
  • Print Posted Transactions Detail Report
  • Print Asset/Template Change History Report, as applicable

The following system processes feature a selection option by fiscal year/accounting period, as follows:

  • Update FA FY/Pd Information from GL FY/Pd Information
  • Create Autocreation Transactions
  • Create Asset Master Records (Acquisition Year/Acquisition Period used to limit assets displayed in the report)
  • Purge All Asset Information
  • Purge Asset/Template Change History
  • Purge Other Books Depreciation History
  • Purge Posted Transactions Detail
  • Compute/Update Depreciation Computation Data
  • Compute/Update Amount Taken Purchase Year-To-Date

The Compute Projected Depreciation system process features a selection option by fiscal year.