Contents of the View Work Assignment Status Screen
Use the fields and options to configure the View Work Assignment Status screen.
Selection Ranges
Use the options in this group to select the range of vendors for which you want to view work assignment information.
Field | Description |
Option |
Use this drop-down list to select the range option of vendors to be included in the inquiry. Valid options are:
The default for this field is All. |
Start |
Enter, or click
End |
Enter, or click |
Use the options in this group to select the range of customers for which you want to view work assignment information.
Field | Description |
Option |
Use this drop-down list to select the range option of customers to be included in the inquiry. Valid options are:
The default for this field is All. |
Start |
Enter, or click
End |
Enter, or click |
Purchase Order
Use the options in this group to select the range of purchase orders for which you want to view work assignment information.
Field | Description |
Option |
Use this drop-down list to select the range option of purchase orders to be included in the inquiry. Valid options are:
The default for this field is All. |
Start |
Enter, or click
End |
Enter, or click |
Work Assignment
Use the options in this group to select the range of work assignments you want to view.
Field | Description |
Option |
Use this drop-down list to select the range option of work assignments to be included in the inquiry. Valid options are:
The default for this field is All. |
Start |
Enter, or click
End |
Enter, or click |
Work Assignment Start Date
Use this group box to limit the work assignments you want to view by work assignment start date.
Field | Description |
Option |
Use this drop-down list to select the range option of work assignment start dates to be included in the inquiry. Valid options are:
The default for this field is All. |
Start |
Enter, or click
End |
Enter, or click
Table Window
This table window displays the result of your inquiry after you click
on the toolbar.
Field | Description |
Work Assignment ID |
This field displays the work assignment ID number, which is the unique identifier for the work assignment. |
Work Assignment Description |
This field displays the work assignment description. |
Work Assignment Approval Code |
This field displays the work assignment approval code assigned to the approver of the work assignment. |
Approval Status |
This field displays the approval status of the work assignment. |
Closed Date |
This field displays the work assignment closed date. |
Rejection Reason |
This field displays the notes indicating the reason for rejecting the work assignment. |
Approver |
This field displays the name of the approver of the work assignment. |
This field displays the ID number of the purchase order for which the work assignment settings apply. |
Release |
This field displays the release number for the PO. |
Change Order |
This field displays the last change order number for the PO. |
Currency |
This field displays the transaction currency code for the PO. |
Vendor |
This field displays the vendor number to which the purchase order is issued. |
Vendor Name |
This field displays the vendor name. |
Customer |
This field displays the customer ID associated with the project linked to the PO. |
Customer Name |
This field displays the customer name. |
Work Assignment Start Date |
This field displays the work assignment start date. |
Work Assignment End Date |
This field displays the work assignment end date. |
Work Assignment Total Hours |
This field displays the total number of hours for the work assignment. |
Work Assignment Total Trans Amount |
This field displays the total amount in transaction currency for the work assignment. |
Work Assignment Total Func Amount |
This field displays the total amount in functional currency for the work assignment. |
Work Assignment Notes |
This field displays notes specific to the work assignment. |
Allow Unauthorized Charges |
If selected, this check box indicates that unauthorized vendor employees (subcontractor resources) not linked to the work assignment are allowed to charge in Time & Expense. |
Require Charge Comments |
If selected, this check box indicates that charge comments are required in Time & Expense. |
Allow Overtime |
If selected, this check box indicates that overtime charges are allowed in Time & Expense. |
Allow Entered Hours Over Charge Line/Vendor Employee Hours |
If cleared, this check box indicates that Costpoint validates the hours entered by vendor employees (subcontractor resources) in Time & Expense against the work assignment. Time & Expense will give a warning if the entered hours in Time & Expense exceed the work assignment charge line/vendor employee hours. In addition, when the subcontractor invoice is created, any excess hours will be reclassified to an unallowable account, specified on the work assignment charge line. If selected, no validation takes place. |
Allow Charges Over Charge Line/Vendor Employee Amount |
If cleared, this check box indicates that Costpoint validates the amount entered by vendor employees (subcontractor resources) in Time & Expense against the work assignment. When the subcontractor invoice is created and the check box is cleared, any excess amounts are reclassified to an unallowable account, specified on the work assignment charge line. If selected, no validation takes place. |
Allow Charges Outside Work Assignment Period of Performance |
If cleared, this check box indicates that Costpoint validates that the timesheet charges entered by vendor employees (subcontractor resources) in Time & Expense are within the start and end dates within the work assignment. When the subcontractor invoice is created and the check box is not selected, any charges outside the work assignment start and end dates are reclassified to an unallowable account, specified on the work assignment charge line. If selected, no validation takes place. |
Require Subcontractor Approval on Charges |
If selected, this check box indicates that subcontractor approval on the timesheet is required in Time & Expense. |
Allow Charge line to Exceed PO Line value |
This field indicates whether or not Costpoint validates the charge line quantity/amount against the PO line quantity/amount. Valid values are:
Resource Security Validation against Requirements |
This field indicates whether or not Costpoint validates the vendor employee security status against the work assignment. Valid values are:
Unallowable Vendor Employee Labor Account |
This field displays the unallowable vendor employee labor account. |
Include System Closed PO Lines |
If selected, this check box indicates that system-closed PO lines are included when loading work assignment charges. |
US Citizenship Reqd |
If selected, this check box indicates that the vendor employees associated with the work assignment require US citizenship. |
ITAR Authorization Reqd |
If selected, this check box indicates that the vendor employees associated with the work assignment must be authorized for International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) restricted items. |
Security Clearance System ID |
This field displays the security clearance required for the vendor employees associated with the work assignment. |
Security Clearance Description |
This field displays the description of the security clearance (from the Manage Security Clearance Settings screen) that the vendor employees associated with the work assignment need to have. |
Security Clearance Level |
This field displays the level of security clearance (from the Manage Security Clearance Settings screen) that the vendor employees associated with the work assignment need to have. This field indicates whether the level is Confidential, L Clearance, Q Clearance, Secret, or Top Secret. |
If selected, this check box indicates that the security clearance of the vendor employees associated with the work assignment has to be cleared for Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI). SCI clearances codes are set up on the Manage SCI/SAP Clearance Codes screen. |
If selected, this check box indicates that the security clearance of the vendor employees associated with the work assignment has to be cleared for Special Access Program (SAP). SAP clearance codes are set up on the Manage SCI/SAP Clearance Codes screen. |
Issuing Agency |
This field displays the name of the agency that issued the security clearance for the vendor employees associated with the work assignment. |
Subtask | Description |
Header SOW | Click this link to open the Header SOW subtask to view the statement of work (SOW) for the purchase order associated with the work assignment. |
Charges | Click this link to open the Charges subtask to view charging information on the PO associated with the work assignment. |
Roles | Click this link to open the Roles subtask to view roles assigned to vendor employees and employees who are assigned functional roles in Time & Expense for approval of timesheets. |
Exchanges Rates | Click this link to open the Exchange Rates subtask to view transaction currency, rate group, and exchange rate information for the purchase order. |
Link SCI/SAP Security Codes | Click this link to open the Link SCI/SAP Security Codes to view SCI/SAP security codes linked to the security clearance requirements of vendor employees associated with the work assignment. |
Work Assignment Error/Warning Messages | Click this link to open the Work Assignment Error/Warning Messages subtask to view the list of error and/or warning messages associated with the work assignment upon approval. |