US Munitions List Category XVIII

The US Munitions List Category XVIII covers the following defense articles, services, and related technical data: Directed Energy Weapons.

If you selected Category XVIII on the Manage United States Munitions List screen, then you can choose the corresponding USML sub-category details from the table below.


An asterisk precedes certain defense articles in the following list. The asterisk means that the article is deemed to be "Significant Military Equipment" to the extent specified in § 120.7 of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) issued by the Department of State Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC).

Sub-Category Description
a * (a) Directed energy weapon systems specifically designed or modified for military applications (e.g., destruction, degradation or rendering mission-abort of a target). These include, but are not limited to:
  • (1) Laser systems, including continuous wave or pulsed laser systems, specifically designed or modified to cause blindness;

  • (2) Lasers of sufficient continuous wave or pulsed power to effect destruction similar to the manner of conventional ammunition;

  • (3) Particle beam systems;

  • (4) Particle accelerators that project a charged or neutral particle beam with destructive power;

  • (5) High power radio-frequency (RF) systems;

  • (6) High pulsed power or high average power radio frequency beam transmitters that produce fields sufficiently intense to disable electronic circuitry at distant targets;

  • (7) Prime power generation, energy storage, switching, power conditioning, thermal management or fuel-handling equipment;

  • (8) Target acquisition or tracking systems;

  • (9) Systems capable or assessing target damage, destruction or mission-abort;

  • (10) Beam-handling, propagation or pointing equipment;

  • (11) Equipment with rapid beam slew capability for rapid multiple target operations;

  • (12) Negative ion beam funneling equipment; and,

  • (13) Equipment for controlling and slewing a high-energy ion beam.

b * (b) Equipment specifically designed or modified for the detection or identification of, or defense against, articles controlled in paragraph (a) of this category.
c (c) Tooling and equipment specifically designed or modified for the production of defense articles controlled by this category.
d (d) Test and evaluation equipment and test models specifically designed or modified for the defense articles controlled by this category. This includes, but is not limited to, diagnostic instrumentation and physical test models.
e (e) Components, parts, accessories, attachments and associated equipment specifically designed or modified for the articles in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this category.
f (f) Technical data (as defined in § 120.10 of this subchapter) and defense services (as defined in § 120.9 of this subchapter) directly related to the defense articles enumerated in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this category. Technical data directly related to the manufacture or production of any defense articles enumerated in this category that are designated as Significant Military Equipment (SME) shall itself be designated SME.
g (g) The following interpretations explain and amplify terms used in this category and elsewhere in this subchapter:
  • (1) The components, parts, accessories, attachments and associated equipment include, but are not limited to adaptive optics and phase conjugators components, spacequalified accelerator components, targets and specifically designed target diagnostics, current injectors for negative hydrogen ion beams, and space-qualified foils for neutralizing negative hydrogen isotope beams.

  • (2) The particle beam systems in paragraph (a)(3) of this category include devices embodying particle beam and electromagnetic pulse technology and associated components and subassemblies (e.g., ion beam current injectors, particle accelerators for neutral or charged particles, beam handling and projection equipment, beam steering, fire control, and pointing equipment, test and diagnostic instruments, and targets) which are specifically designed or modified for directed energy weapon applications.

  • (3) The articles controlled in this category include any end item, component, accessory, attachment, part, firmware, software or system that has been designed or manufactured using technical data and defense services controlled by this category.

  • (4) The articles specifically designed or modified for military application controlled in this category include any articles specifically developed, configured, or adapted for military application.