Vendor History Tab

Use the Vendor History tab of the Manage Vendor History screen to specify invoice and discount information.


Field Description

Enter the invoice number in this field.

  • If the invoice number already exists and the Allow Duplicate Invoice Numbers box is selected on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen, a warning message displays. You may continue with the entered invoice number or enter a unique invoice number.
  • If the invoice number exists and the Allow Duplicate Invoice Numbers box is cleared on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen, an error message displays. In this case, you must enter a unique invoice number before you can enter data in another field.

Enter the invoice date or click the calendar icon and select a date. Costpoint defaults this date from either the previous voucher or the Costpoint date. If you change this date to blank, Costpoint does not calculate the discount date or the due date.  


Enter the invoice amount. The total amount for all the lines in the voucher detail, before discounts but including sales tax, must be the same as the invoice amount. You can also enter a zero invoice amount.


Field Description

This field displays the percentage that defaults from terms. Costpoint applies this percentage to the invoice amount to calculate the discount amount. You can edit this field.


This field displays the date that is calculated based on the terms and invoice date. You can edit this field.


This field displays the amount that is calculated based on the discount percentage applied to the invoice amount. You can edit this field.


Field Description

This field displays the date that is calculated based on the terms. If you change this date, Costpoint displays a prompt that asks you whether to continue calculating the due date based on vendor terms for future vouchers in the session or always default to the due date on the previous voucher.


Costpoint calculates this amount by subtracting the Discount Amount from the Invoice Amount. This field is non-editable.

Sample Terms Setup

Example of calculation based on terms:

Invoice Date = 8/14

Invoice Amount = $1,000

Days Method Day of Month Range of Days
Calculated Discount Date                 8/24                  8/24                 8/24
Discount Amount                  $10                   $10                  $10
Due Amount                $990                 $990                $990
Total Tax

This field displays the total of the Sales/VAT Tax Amt column. Costpoint calculates the sales tax amounts using the sales tax rate for the voucher lines. Occasionally, rounding errors can occur that may require you to adjust a voucher line by a small amount to correct the difference between the calculated amount and the amount on the invoice. Use this non-editable field to see at a glance whether the sales tax calculation ties to your invoice, or whether there is a rounding error that requires correction.

Remaining Balance

Costpoint calculates this non-editable field by adding the Tot Before Disc to the Sales/VAT Tax Amt for all line items in the voucher detail and then subtracting the total from the Invoice Amount in the voucher header.

Remaining Balance shows the undistributed invoice amount to individual line items in the voucher detail.