Set Up Other Screens Before Executing Calculate ACRN Bills

You must set up data on other screens before running the Calculate ACRN Bills screen.

Complete these steps:

  1. Set up project information on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow.
  2. Set up the Manage Project Billing Information screen with a transaction-based formula.  
    You cannot use Enter Bill Manually, Manual Bills with Unbilled Detail, or Progress Payment.
  3. Set up an active record on the Manage ACRN Bills screen at the same project level as on the Manage Project Billing Information record.
  4. Select a Billing Requirement and a Calculation Method.
  5. Enter at least one active row in the table window with an ACRN or ACRN/Line Item value and its associated ACRN Value.
    If the Billing Requirement is ACRN Only w/Account Mapping or ACRN/Line Item w/Account Mapping, enter the appropriate accounts on the Accounts subtask.
  6. Post transactions for the given period.
  7. Run the Update Cash Basis Information screen, if necessary.
  8. Run the Load Labor Rates screen, if necessary.
  9. Run the Calculate Standard Bills screen.
  10. Make edits to standard bills on the Manage Standard Bills screen.
  11. Run the Calculate ACRN Bills screen.