Contents of the Manage Consolidation Acct/Org Mappings Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Consolidation Acct/Org Mappings.

Mapping Information

Field Description
Mapping Code

To create a new mapping combination, enter a code to identify this set of account/organization combinations. You can use a given mapping code only once in the same database.


Enter a description for the mapping code for this combination.

Validate Consolidation Accounts

Select this check box to validate consolidation accounts and organizations if the transfer is being made to a company within the same database or to a company in a different database with the same account structure and elements.

Costpoint verifies that:

  • The consolidation accounts and organizations exist.
  • The consolidation accounts and organizations are active.
  • The account/organization combination is valid.

When you select this check box, you can click to populate the Consolidation Account and Consolidation Organization columns. You must use this option if you plan to link this mapping code to an internal location on the Link Consolidation Locations screen. The default setting for this check box is cleared.

AccountOrg Consolidation

Click to insert a row in the table.

Field Description
Account Wildcard String

Enter, or click to select, an existing account. Before you save this screen, you can edit the account to include wildcards:

  • Use the percentage (%) wildcard to link multiple accounts to a single consolidation account/organization combination. For example, use 01% to map all accounts beginning with 01 to your consolidation account/organization.
  • Use the underscore ( _ ) wildcard to link multiple accounts with a specific structure to a single consolidation account/organization. For example, 05_30 includes 05030, 05130, 05230, 05330, and so on.
Organization Wildcard String

Enter, or click to select, an existing organization. Before you save this screen, you can edit the organization to include wildcards:

  • Use the percentage (%) wildcard to link multiple organizations to a single consolidation account/organization combination. For example, use 2A% to map all organizations beginning with 2A to your consolidation account/organization.
  • Use the underscore (_) wildcard to link multiple organizations with a specific structure to a single consolidation account/organization. For example, 2A_1 includes 2A01, 2A11, 2A21, 2A31, and so on.
Consolidation Account

If you selected the Validate Consolidation Accounts check box, you can click to select an account number to be used to represent the account or accounts selected in the Account Wildcard String column.

If you did not select the Validate Consolidation Accounts check box, you can enter the account number to be used to represent the accounts or accounts selected in the Account Wildcard String field. This account number displays on your consolidation reports. Do not use project-required accounts as consolidation accounts.

Consolidation Organization

If you selected the Validate Consolidation Accounts check box, you can click to select an organization to be used to represent the organization or organizations selected in the Organization Wildcard String column.

If you did not select the Validate Consolidation Accounts check box, you can enter the organization to be used to represent the organization or organizations selected in the Organization Wildcard String column. This organization displays on your consolidation reports.

Account/Org Count

Field Description
Account Count

When you highlight a row and click this button, the Sample Accounts column at the bottom of the screen populates with a list of all the accounts that will consolidate into the single consolidation account.

Org Count

When you highlight a row and click this button, the Sample Organizations column at the bottom of the screen populates with a list of all the organizations that will consolidate into the single consolidation organization.

Acct/Org Count

When you highlight a row and click this button, the number of account/organizations that meet both the account criteria and organization criteria display in the field below this button.


Click this button to insert a row in the mapping table that Costpoint uses for currency conversion variances, if they exist.  This row has:

  • An Account Wildcard String of Currency
  • An Organization Wildcard String of Conversion

Do not use the account/organization combination that you select for the Consolidation Account and Consolidation Organization fields in any other rows. This button is enabled only if you are using Multicurrency, in which case the Currency Conversion row is required.

Current Year Equity

When you click this button, Costpoint creates a row in the table with:

  • An Account Wildcard String value of CURRENT YEAR
  • An Organization Wildcard String value of RETAINED EARNINGS

This button is enabled only if you set the Consolidation Calculation Method option to Inception-to-Date on the Consolidation Settings screen.

You should complete the Consolidation Account and Consolidation Organization fields for this row in the same manner as for other rows. If this button is enabled, you can save this screen with only one Current Year Retained Earnings row.

The purpose of the Current Year Retained Earnings account/organization is to designate which row the income statement account balances will summarize into during the Update Consolidation Prior Year Balances process.

Sample Accounts

When you click the Account Count button, the applicable account numbers display in this column. This column is especially helpful when using wildcards. All accounts that fall into the wildcard string are listed here.

Sample Organizations

When you click the Org Count button, the applicable organizations display in this column. This column is especially helpful when using wildcards. All organizations that fall into the wildcard string are listed here.