Import Units Usage Files Input File Format

Before importing units usage files data, make sure that the input file uses the format indicated on this topic.

Comma-Separated Values Files

Comma-Separated Values (CSV) files are files with data separated by commas. CSV processing is slightly slower than fixed-length processing.

Numbers are displayed without commas as numeric digits. The number of decimal places required for a particular field is illustrated by the examples below. Do not put a value in the place of a non-existent value.

Strings are displayed as alphanumeric characters and can be enclosed with double quotes (").  Double quotes cannot be contained within the string itself. If quotes are required, use single quotes. For a non-existent value, you can use two double quotes side by side (""), but this is not required.

Dates are displayed in the format MM/DD/YYYY. MM is a two-digit month. DD is a two-digit date. YYYY is a four-digit year. Do not put a value in the place of a non-existent value.

The following is a list of fields required in the order they should appear for each line.

Column No Column Name Costpoint Field Name Data Type Data Length Required / Optional Example
1 ACCT_ID Account Character 15 R 05030
2 UNITS_QTY Units Quantity Number 15 R 10000.0000
3 ORG_ID Organization Character 20 R 1.2.210
4 ORG_ABBRV_CD Organization Abbreviation Character 6 O 210
5 PROJ_ID Project Character 30 R 1010.003.20
6 CLIN_ID CLIN Character 10 Required only if Price Catalog is not supplied in the input file. NY LI
7 S_PRICE_SRCE_CD Price Catalog Character 10 Required only if CLIN is not supplied in the input file. COOK
8 ITEM_ID Item Character 50 R CHOC-D
9 ITEM_RVSN_ID Item Revision Character 10 R 1
10 SALES_TAX_CD Sales Tax Code Character 6 O VA
11 USAGE_DT Usage Date Date 10 R 07/31/2011
12 TRN_DESC Transaction Description Character 30 O Test
13 PROJ_ABBRV_CD Project Abbreviation Character 6 O 511101
14 Ref1_ID Reference Number 1 Character 20 O 100
15 Ref2_ID Reference Number 2 Character 20 O 200
16 UDEF_UNITS_1_AMT User Defined Units Amount 1 Number 15 O 1.99
17 UDEF_UNITS_2_AMT User Defined Units Amount 2 Number 15 O 2.99
18 UDEF_UNITS_3_DESC User Defined Units Description Character 30 O Test
19 UDEF_UNITS_4_DT User Defined Units Date Date 10 O 07/31/2011
20 SRCE_PROJ_ID Source Project Character 30 R 1010.003.20
21 NOTES Notes Character 254 O Use 'quotes.'

Sample Line:

"05030",10000.0000,"1.2.210","210","1010.003.20","","COOK","CHOC-D","1","VA",07/31/2011,"Test.","","100","200",1.99,2.99,"Test.",07/31/2011,"1010.003.20","Use 'quotes.'"

Fixed-Length Files

Fixed-Length files are files with data positioned in a set range of columns for each particular field. For a non-existent value, put spaces in the range of columns for that field. Fixed-length processing is slightly faster than CSV processing.

Numbers are displayed without commas as numeric digits. The number of decimal places allowed for a particular field is illustrated by the examples below.

Strings are displayed as alphanumeric characters. Unlike CSV files, double quotes can be used.

Dates are displayed in the format MM/DD/YYYY. MM is a two-digit month. DD is a two-digit year. YYYY is a four-digit year.

The following is a list of fields required in the order they should appear for each line.

Field Type Column Size Range Example
Account Character 15 1 - 15 05030
Units Quantity Number 15 16 - 30 10000.0000
Organization Character 20 31 - 50 1.2.210
Organization Abbreviation Character 6 51 - 56 210
Project Character 30 57 - 86 1010.003.20
CLIN Character 10 87 - 96 NY LI
Price Catalog Character 10 97 - 106 COOK
Item Character 50 107 - 156 CHOC-D
Item Revision Character 10 157 - 166 1
Sales Tax Code Character 6 167 - 172 VA
Usage Date Date 10 173 - 182 07/31/2011
Transaction Description Character 30 183 - 212 Test
Project Abbreviation Character 6 213 - 218 511101
Reference Number 1 Character 20 219 - 238 100
Reference Number 2 Character 20 239 - 258 200
User Defined Units Amount 1 Number 15 259 - 273 1.99
User Defined Units Amount 2 Number 15 274 - 288 2.99
User Defined Units Description Character 30 289 - 318 Test
User Defined Units Date Date 10 319 - 328 07/31/2011
Source Project Character 30 329 - 358 1010.003.20
Notes Character 254 359 - 612 Use 'quotes.'

Sample Line:

05030      10000.0000              1.2.210    210                    1010.003.20             NY LI             COOK                        CHOC-D  1    VA07/31/2011                         Test             511101100...