Exchange Rates Subtask

Use this subtask to view details of the Exchange Rates subtask on the Approve Journal Entries screen. The details on this subtask are entered on the Exchange Rates subtask of the Manage Journal Entries screen. This subtask is only available when the journal entry's transaction currency differs from the company's functional currency.


Field Description
Transaction Currency

This field displays the transaction currency for the selected row.

Rate Group

The multicurrency default rate group displays in this field.

Transaction Currency to Functional Currency Exchange Rate Info

Field Description
Rate Date

This field displays the invoice date on the Manage Journal Entries screen.


This field mimics the Trans to Func field rate when non-euro currencies are used. When euro currency is used, this field displays the product of the Trans to Euro and Euro to Func fields. The fraction that displays to the right of the Trans to Euro field is the value of one divided by the euro-to-transaction currency exchange rate.

Trans to Func or Trans to Euro

For those transactions that involve countries that are EC members, this field is titled Trans to Euro and displays the rate for the transaction currency-to-euro exchange. This field displays as Trans to Func if non-EC currencies are being exchanged.

N/A or Euro to Func

For those transactions that involve countries that are EC members, this field is titled Euro to Func and displays the rate for the euro-to-functional currency exchange. This field displays as N/A if non-EC currencies are being exchanged.

Freeze Rate

If this check box is selected, the last rates entered are saved in these fields.