Manage Cash Requirements Rpt Supplemental Amounts

Use this screen like a notepad, to list cash obligations that have not yet been recognized (entered and posted) in Costpoint.

Entries that you make on this screen display on the Cash Requirements Report only if you select the Supplemental Amounts option on the Cash Requirements Report screen. These entries do not display as a liability in General Ledger or Accounts Payable until entered as a voucher. These entries stay on the Cash Requirements Report Supplemental Amounts screen until you delete or modify them. Supplemental items such as balloon payments, bonuses, down payments, scheduled payments such as rents or leases, payroll and related payroll tax amounts, and other tax payment amounts may be useful on this screen. Since you can enter amounts and modify them later, using an estimate is acceptable.

If you are using Multicurrency, use this screen to manage your cash when multiple currencies are involved. You can include multiple transaction and pay currencies on your Cash Requirements Report and evaluate anticipated obligations occurring in foreign currencies. Because all rows entered here are simulated expenses, you can experiment with currency rate scenarios without incurring any actual gains or losses on these proposed Accounts Payable transactions.

Modify this screen at any time. For the most accurate information possible, leave this screen unchanged while printing or previewing the Cash Requirements Report.