Dashparts of the Home Dashboard

The dashparts on the Home Dashboard have context-sensitive links related to a Time & Expense or Costpoint screen that allow you to view detailed information of your tasks, timesheets, available leaves, outstanding expenses, expense authorizations and reports, and workflow approval tasks.

You can configure the dashparts that display on this dashboard using the Manage Dashparts dialog box. You can also specify the settings for the dashparts through Manage Dashparts. For detailed steps and other basic procedures on configuring the dashboards, see the How to links below.

On all dashparts, the following icons are available:

  • : This Help icon is enabled on all dashparts. When you click this icon, Costpoint displays a pop-up window that will give you more information about the data on the dashpart and on the drill-through application that you can access from the dashpart.
  • : This Edit icon is displayed on all dashparts but enabled only for those with editable dashpart settings. When you click this icon, Costpoint displays the Options dialog box, where you can view or change the settings for the specific dashpart.

On the My Timesheets, My Expense Reports, and My Expense Authorizations dashparts, more links are available:

  • New Timesheet, New Report, or New Authorization: Click this link to open the Timesheet, Expense Report, or Expense Authorization screen with a blank record and create a new timesheet, expense report, or expense authorization.
  • Launch or Launch Selected: Launch is displayed if you have not selected any record or check box on the dashpart. Launch Selected is displayed if you have selected one or multiple check boxes corresponding to the records you want to view. When you click Launch Selected, the drill-through screen opens with data for the records you selected.
Attention: System administrators can set up predefined dashboard application layouts, and other custom user specifications, through user interface (UI) profiles. UI profiles can be assigned to users or user groups and are created and defined through the Manage User Interface Profiles screen. For more information on UI profiles and the steps on customizing an application for a UI profile, see the online help for this screen.