Project Status Cost Summary

Use the Project Status Cost Summary report to monitor the cost status of the projects for an organization or set of organizations by comparing estimate-at-completion (EAC) cost amounts, as of the current fiscal period, to total baseline budget cost amounts.

For each project, the report displays the following:

  • Inception-to-date (ITD) actual burdened cost through the period preceding the current period in Costpoint Planning

  • Estimate-to-complete (ETC) burdened cost

  • Forecast burdened cost (ITD actual burdened cost + ETC burdened cost)

  • Total baseline budget burdened cost

  • Variance between forecast cost and baseline budget cost (Total baseline budget burdened cost – Forecast burdened cost)

  • Variance percentage (Variance / Total baseline budget burdened cost)

To call your attention to potential issues, the report highlights negative or positive variances greater than $25,000 and variance percentages of 5 percent or more.