Configure Journal Entry Cycles

Use this screen to set up cycles for recurring journal entries (RJEs).

Each recurring journal entry is assigned to one and only one journal entry cycle. In addition, a recurring journal entry has a starting and ending period and subperiod. On the Selected Periods subtask, you define the periods and subperiods belonging to each journal entry cycle.

For example, you can set up a "Monthly" cycle and assign the first subperiod of each month to it. Another common example is to create a "Quarterly" cycle and assign the last subperiod of each quarter to the cycle.

On the Create Recurring Journal Entries screen, you specify the journal entry cycle for which you need to create recurring journal entries. When you post, Costpoint reads the Journal Entry table to see which recurring journal entries are assigned to the journal entry cycle you indicate. You also indicate the period and subperiod for which you want to create recurring journal entries.

Before you can set up journal entry cycles, you must first set up fiscal years, periods, and subperiods on the Manage Fiscal Years, Manage Accounting Periods, and Manage Subperiods screens. Also, you must set up journal entry cycles before you can enter recurring journal entries.