
These are Schedule I — Schedule of Cumulative Direct and Indirect Cost Claimed & Billed prompts.

Prompt Message


Select the Company

Select the single company needed for the ICS.

Select the Fiscal Year

Select the desired fiscal year.

Select YTD Period Ending Number

Select the desired YTD period ending number.

Select YTD Sub Period Ending Number

Select the desired YTD sub period ending number.

Select the Rate Type

Select either Actual or Target to indicate if you want to use actual rates or target rates.

Select the Project Level

Select the project level at which you want to generate the report. The report rolls up all activity to that level.

Note: The invoice number reflected in the report is the last invoice number posted in the BILL_INVC_HDR_HS table. If any manual invoice was posted (for example, Manual Bill, Milestone, Project Product, or Customer Product Bill) for the project, the invoice number may be null or incorrect. This report assumes all invoices are computed and posted in Costpoint.