Manage Vendor Employee Work Force

Use this screen as the first in a three-step process to establish a vendor employee work force.

Use a vendor employee work force when you want only specific subcontract employees to work on the project or when you want specific PLCs (Project Labor Categories) to default during data entry.

You can elect to have a vendor employee work force required or not required. If you make the vendor work force required, only the vendor employees selected in this screen are valid for charging on this project. You can use the work force for PLC defaulting whether the work force is required or not. You can make the vendor employee work force required by selecting the Project Work Force Required check box on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow screen.  

Vendor employees are often used so that you can print the name of the subcontract employee on the customer’s invoice. If you don’t establish vendor employees, only the name of the subcontractor (vendor) prints on the invoice.