Contents of the Configure Account Entry Groups Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Configure Account Entry Groups screen.

Account Entry Group

Field Description
Account Entry Group

To set up a new account entry group, enter a code for that group.

If you need to delete an account entry group, you must first use the Manage Accounts screen to assign all accounts with that account entry group to a different account entry group.


If you are setting up a new account entry group, enter a brief description for the account entry group.

Available Entry Screens

Field Description
Account Entry Screen Code, Description

This table displays the function codes and descriptions for the available transaction screens.

  • To allow entry of accounts for the account entry group in a screen, select that row.
  • To select multiple screens, press the CTRL key as you click each of the rows.

Then click the Select button. The selected transaction screens then display in the Screens Valid for this Entry Group table.


Click this button to add the selected rows in the Available Entry Screens table to the Screens Valid for this Entry Group table.

Screens Valid for this Entry Group

Field Description
Selected Account Entry Screen Code, Description

This table displays the function codes and descriptions of the transaction screens on which you can enter the accounts belonging to the account entry group. To remove screens, select any row that should be eliminated from the group and delete the row.

Account Entry Group - Entry Screen Codes

When you create a group, you allow accounts in the group to be used on specific data entry screens by selecting the entry screen codes. When you then assign an account to the group, that account can be used in the screens that were linked to the group. The following table lists the codes and the data entry screens that use them.

Code Description Application Screen
AJC Cost Adjustments INMCSADJ Enter Cost Adjustments
INMPROJ Manage Inventory Projects
AJQ Quantity Adjustment INMQTADJ Enter Quantity Adjustments
INMACCT Configure Inventory Accounts
INPPCDSC Create Physical Count Adjustments
AJS Scrap Adjustments INMSCADJ Enter Scrap Adjustments
INMACCT Configure Inventory Accounts
APV Accounts Payable Vouchers AOMSUSAP Manage Accounts Payable Voucher Suspense
AOPUTLAP Import Accounts Payable Vouchers
APMACCT Manage Accounts Payable Accounts
APMCASH Manage Cash Accounts
APMSETVR Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings
APMVENDH Manage Vendor History
APMVCHR Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers
CR Cash Receipts ARMCR Manage Cash Receipts
ARMHIST Manage Accounts Receivable History
ARMSETNG Configure Accounts Receivable Settings
IPA Project - Account Issues INMPARSV Manage Inventory Reservations
INMRQST Manage Inventory Requests
INMPAISS Enter Issues to Project/Account/Org or PO
IPR Inventory Projects INMPROJ Manage Inventory Projects
INMWACCT Configure Default Project Inventory Accounts
JE Enter Journal Entries AOMSUSJE Manage Journal Entry Preprocessor Settings
AOPUTLJE Import Journal Entries
GLMJE Manage Journal Entries
PAJ Pool Allocation Journal PJMALJNL Manage Allocation Journal
PJMBUDCO Manage Change Orders
PO Purchase Orders PPMRQLN Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions by Line
PPMRQAPL Approve Purchase Requisition Lines
PPMRQAPP Manage Purchase Requisition Approval Processes
PPMRQAPX Approve Purchase Requisitions
POMMAIN Manage Purchase Orders
RCMRTRN Manage Vendor Returns
POV PO Vouchers POMPOVCH Manage Purchase Order Vouchers
APMSETVR Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings
RSV Reserve Inventory (not used)
SLSTAX Sales Tax (not used)
TS Timesheets LDMADD Manage Allowance Codes
LDMTIME Manage Timesheets
LDMCTIME Manage Correcting Timesheets
LDPDUMTS Create Auto-Pay Timesheets
AOMSUSTP Configure Timesheet Suspense Values
AOPUTLTS Import Timesheets
UNT Unit Usage BLMUSAGE Manage Unit Usage
BLMUHIST Manage Units Usage History

The first two characters of the application indicate the module of which it is a part:

  • AO: Add-on Product Interfaces
  • AP: Accounts Payable
  • AR: Accounts Receivable
  • BL: Billing
  • LD: Labor
  • GL: General Ledger
  • IN: Inventory
  • PJ: Projects
  • PO: Purchasing (Exception: POMPOVCH is in Accounts Payable)
  • PP: Procurement Planning
  • RC: Receiving